5. Under Select a Rubric, your selection may default to the higher education rubric; if it does not, select the higher education rubric from the dropdown menu.
Note: QM is transitioning from the Sixth Edition rubric transitioned to the Seventh Edition Rubric on July 5, 2023.
- The general review standards across the top of the rubric
- The specific standards for each general standard will be listed in a menu on the general standard main page.
- Each standard will be marked as either Met or Not Met upon review of the course. Having any evidence of the standard does not constitute a "Met" rating. Your evidence should suggest that you have met this standard at an 85% or above, otherwise, you should mark the specific standard as "Not Met". For example, if you have 10 videos in your course, and only 2 of them are accurately closed captioned, you would mark specific review standard 8.4 as "Not Met". If you have 10 videos in your course and 8 of them are accurately captioned, and 2 of them have auto-generated captions, you can mark specific review standard 8.4 as "Met" and make a note that updating the captions on the last 2 videos is a suggestion for impreovementimprovement.
- The annotation provides criteria about what evidence should be provided to mark each specific review standard as complete, including examples of what meets this criteria and what does not.
- The evidence response area is where you will identify the evidence that supports the standard being present in your course.
- The suggestions for improvement are is where you will identify ways you can include the standard in your course if it is missing altogether, identify areas where it could be added even if there is some evidence of it, and improve existing examples of meeting the standard even if the course meets the standard.
If you have questions about any of the standards, reach out to your Instructional Designer Liaison for additional support.
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