Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Login to MyClasses Canvas and select the desired course.
  2. From the course navigation, select Panopto Recordings.
    An arrow points to the Panopto Recording link that has been enabled in the course navigation menu.
  3. Move the cursor to the desired recording video and select the first option in the row, Edit.
    Edit Panopto VideoImage RemovedImage Added
  4. On the left of the screen, select Captions.

  5. Captions will display on the left with time coding. To correct or modify terminology or grammar, highlight the text area and make your modifications. Continue this process throughout the entire video.  

    Note: Creators of the videos should review all captions for accuracy. Faculty are creators be default and are highly encouraged to review the closed captioning for accuracy.

  6. Once all modifications have been made. Select Apply in the top right corner to save your changes. To cancel changes, click Revert.