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ID&D KB How-to Guide

Working together to enhance teaching & learning. If you need additional assistance, please reach out to the ID&D team.

With MyClasses Canvas, Panopto recordings that are to be visible to the students from the Panopto Recordings course menu link must reside in the Panopto folder for the specific course.  Therefore, faculty may need to move recordings from one folder to another in order for the recordings to be available to students from one semester to another.


Please Note

You can click on the images below to see them larger and with more detail.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Log into MyClasses, select the desired course, and click Panopto Recordings from the course navigation on the left.
    Image Modified

  2. In the top right corner, select the arrow icon to manage your recordings on the Panopto server.
    Image Modified

  3. Select the checkbox, in the


  1. right-hand corner of the preview image, of each recording you want to move, then click the Move button.


  1. 553f8033-75fe-482e-adf1-a3cb48bbc9d3.pngImage Added

  2. Select the folder from the drop-down list for where you want to move the


  1. videos.


  1. Screenshot 2024-12-19 131711.pngImage Added

  2. Select Move.
    The selected move to folder and sessions are listed and the Move button is highlighted. Image Modified

  3. Each video's status will be displayed to the left of its title.  Once complete, a check mark will appear for each video. Click X  to close the Copy or Move window.
    A checkmark is shown next to each video that has been successfully moved or completed.Image Modified