Video Review in Respondus Monitor

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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To review for assessment integrity purposes, after your students submit their exams, you can view the video recording as well as any of the options you select in the setup for Respondus Monitor, such as student picture, student ID, and environment check.

  1. Log into your MyClasses course.

  2. Select LockDown Browser from the course navigation.

  3. Click on the gray box in front of the assessment and click on Class Results.

    From the Respondus LockDown Browser dashboard, to the left of an assessment name (such as Practice 1 Quiz), click the drown down menu and select Class Results.
    Example of accessing results of Respondus Monitor.

  4. A list of all of your students will appear (names are blurred in the example to protect student privacy). Click on the plus sign in front of a student’s name to video their student photo, id photo, environment check and random video clips from their testing.

    List of students in LockDown Browser Dashboard for Practice 1. To the left of the student's name, click on the plus icon to expand for video review.
    List of students in LockDown Browser Dashboard for Practice 1

  5. A view player will appear and you can click Play to watch the video. Beneath the video are thumbnails to go directly to any part of the video for review. Review any of the flag comments or video segments for additional review.

  6. Select the Add Notes option to added comments for yourself. Click Save.


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