Checking and Refreshing Clicker Session Data

Checking and Refreshing Clicker Session Data

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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In some cases, session scores are not imported correctly; therefore it is important that you check scores before you upload grades to MyClasses. 

Step-by-step guide

To Check Session Scores:

  1. Start the TurningPoint App and sign in.

  2. Make sure the course list is selected on the left panel.

  3. Click "Results Manager".


  4. Review students’ scores and verify it reflects students’ performance. Ensure there are no duplicated records for the same student.




To Refresh Session Data:
If you see anything unusual about the imported scores, complete the following steps to refresh session data:

  1. Drag and drop all sessions one at a time to move from under the course list to place under "Auto".

  2. Make sure there are no sessions listed under the course list.

  3. Click the Course List from the left panel.

  4. Click "Update".

  5. Drag session(s) from Auto back under the course list.


To Upload Session Results to MyClasses:
To upload the import session scores to the course gradebook in MyClasses:

  1. Make sure the course list is selected on the left panel.

  2. Click Upload Grades.

  3. If prompted, click OK on the "Grade Upload Warning" message.

  4. Select the session to be uploaded from the “Upload Grade Columns”.
    You can select to upload one or multiple sessions at once.

  5. Click Upload.

  6. Log in to MyClasses and review the uploaded grades.

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