Grading Difference of EX, 0 or No Input.

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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When grading, here is the difference between an Excused (EX), No Input, or Zero (0) grade.


  • By typing "EX" into the grade book for an assignment, you will receive "Excused" in its place.

  • The excused option of grading makes the assignment or quiz not count toward the final grade of the student.

  • This option also communicates to the student that they are excused from the assignment and takes away the "Submission" button on their assignment page.



No Input

  • For this option, not inputting a grade or leaving it as -

    • This option also does not count the assignment in the final grade for the student.

    • However, it will show the student that no grade has been inputted and the "Submit" button will still appear.

    • Both the "Excused" option and "No Input" option have the same affect where they will not count toward the final grade. The "Excused" option just provides feedback to the student.


  • By entering a 0 in the gradebook, that is considered a score for the student and will count towards their final grade.

  • This score will appear to the student just like any other score they receive.

  • Inputting a 0 on an assignment will negatively impact the student's overall grade and will not be treated like an excused assignment.

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