Gradebook Features

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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In 2018, Canvas transitioned to a new gradebook, which has now become the standard gradebook in MyClasses.

Watch the video below to explore features of the gradebook, such as:

  • Arranging the gradebook columns (such as alphabetically or by due date)

  • Applying filters to reduce the items that show in the gradebook at a given time (such as by section or assignment type)

  • Setting status (such as missing assignments and late assignments)

  • Adding notes for students in the gradebook

  • Hiding and displaying unpublished assignment columns

  • Viewing the student contact card details for an assignment

  • Viewing grading history

  • Exporting a spreadsheet of your gradebook


The assignment options menu in the gradebook no longer displays the Mute/Unmute option. This is now referred to as the Grade Posting Policy where you can hide and post grades.


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