Online and Hybrid Course Design Resources

Online and Hybrid Course Design Resources

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SU Quality Matters (QM) Checklist

The Salisbury University Online Learning Policy states:

"Faculty who design and deliver online/hybrid courses are to ensure the course is developed based on the current Quality Matters (QM) standards. Assistance on QM is provided to faculty through Instructional Design & Delivery and university instructional designers."

To this end, the SU QM Checklist was designed to guide faculty in developing online and hybrid courses. The checklist provides a list of all 42 QM specific review standards, indicators as to how the SU Online and Hybrid Course Template for MyClasses aligns with those standards, and a checklist of activities to help faculty or staff get started designing an online or hybrid course.

SU Online and Hybrid MyClasses Course Template

ID&D offers an Online and Hybrid course template you can import into your MyClasses course that meets 11 of the Quality Matters (QM) standards by design, and an additional 10 standards that have placeholders for faculty to modify. View the following video on how to import the template into your MyClasses course:

Modifying the Course Template

The course template is to help guide faculty in designing their online or hybrid course.  By using and modifying these elements, your course design will be half way through meeting the QM expectations. The table below provides guidance for using the template:


QM Standard

Course Module


Instructor Modification

QM Standard

Course Module


Instructor Modification

1.1 Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.

Syllabus page;
Getting Started Module

Orientation to the Course

Modify Orientation to the Course page; Also included in Welcome Letter to be sent to students 2 weeks prior to semester.

1.2 Learners are introduced to the purpose and structure of the course.

Getting Started Module

Course Information

Modify the Course Information page.  Comprehensive schedule typically in syllabus and on Syllabus page in MyClasses with use of due dates.

1.3 Communication guidelines for the course are clearly stated.

Support Information Module

Help and Support Services

No modifications. (Optional) Additional expectations by the instructor.

1.4 Course and institutional policies with which the learner is expected to comply are clearly stated within the course or a link to current policies is provided.

Getting Started

Academic Integrity Policy and Disability Support Services pages

Instructor should ensure additional departmental or institutional policies are included in syllabus.

1.5 Minimum technical requirements for the course are clearly stated, and the information on how to obtain the technologies is provided.

Getting Started; Support Information

Course Information; Help and Support Services

No modifications. (Optional) Additional expectations by the instructor.

1.6 Technical skills and digital information literacy skills expected of the learner are clearly stated.



Typically in the syllabus.

1.8 The self-introduction by the instructor is welcoming and is available in the course site.

Syllabus page; Getting Started

Orientation to the course

Modify the Syllabus and Orientation to the course pages. Also use the Profile feature in Canvas to setup biographical information about the instructor which is viewable from all courses.

1.9 Learners are asked to introduce themselves.


Orientation Discusion

Modify discussion prompt based on information you want to know about the students as well as where this course falls in the program sequence.

2.1 The course-level learning objectives describe outcomes that are measurable.



Typically in the syllabus. (Optional) Some faculty will reiterate course objectives in the Getting Started module on the Course Information page.

2.2 The module/unit-level learning objectives or competencies describe outcomes that are measurable and consistent with the course-level objectives.

Module 1, 2, 3, etc.

Module Overview

Modify and provide module level objectives in first page of each module.

3.2 The grading policy is clearly stated, available at the beginning of the course, and consistent throughout the course site.



Modify syllabus to ensure the points, percentages, and weights for each component of the course grade are clearly stated and the relationships are explained.

5.3 The instructor's plan for regular interaction with learners in substantive ways during the course is clearly stated.

Getting Started

Instructor and Student Expectations

Modify in syllabus and course page.

5.4 The requirments for learner interaction are clearly stated.

Getting Started

Instructor and Student Expectations

Modify in syllabus and course page.

Course Technology (6.1 - 6.5)



MyClasses serves as the tool for all of these standards which is current and maintained at the institutional level. If including other technologies, ensure that they meet these standards.

6.4 The course provides learners with information on protecting their data and privacy.

Getting Started

Course User Guide

No modifications. If including technologies not supported by SU, ensure that the privacy and accessibilities policies are easily accessible.

7.1 The course instructions articulate or link to a clear description of the technical support offered and how to obtain it.

Support Information

Help and Support Services

No modifications. Guides students to Online Learning support website.

7.2 Course instructions articulate or link to the institution's accessibility policies and services.

Getting Started

Disability Support Services

No modifications. Additional information may be added.

7.3 Course instructions articulate or link to an explanation on how the institution's academic support services and resources can help learners succeed in the course and how learners can obtain them.

Support Information

Help and Support Services

No modifications. Guides students to Online Learning support website.

7.4 Course instructions articulate or link to an explanation of how the institution's student services and resources can help learners succeed and how learners can obtain them.

Support Information

Help and Support Services

No modifications. Guides students to Online Learning support website.

8.1 Course navigation facilitates ease of use.

Course Navigation


No modifications required. Course navigation can be adjusted under Settings.

8.2 Information is provided about the accessibility of all technologies required in the course.

Support Information

Help and Support Services

No modifications required. Only need to add if other technologies are used.

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