Importing Existing Content with DesignPLUS Tools

Importing Existing Content with DesignPLUS Tools

ID&D KB How-to Guide

Working together to enhance teaching & learning. If you need additional assistance, please reach out to the ID&D team.

You can easily import and/or copy content from one page in Canvas to another using DesignPLUS Tools. This allows you to redesign modules or reuse materials.

Please Note! You can click on the images in this article to see them larger and with more detail.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. To copy existing content to a page, open your page in editing mode (blank or otherwise).

    1. Open the DesignPLUS Sidebar (Click on the rocket icon in the upper right.)

    2. Click on the Plus sign to add new content.

    3. Search for "template" in the Sidebar.

    4. Click on the Template Content icon.


    Select Template Content Tool


  2. A content element will be added to your page in the RCE window.

    Element Added to Page


  3. The Edit (target) tab will open in the Sidebar. You have three options to import content from:

    1. Content within the same course

    2. Content from a URL

    3. Templates available to you


  4. When importing existing content, you can select whether that content will copy over everything on the page, or just appear where your cursor is without overwriting existing content on the page.


  5. You can import content from any existing page in the course, any course assignment, any course discussion, any course quiz, from a URL address, or any other existing template you have access to. 


  6. For this example we will be copying content from a page within the course.

    1. Open the Course Content section by clicking on the “+”

    2. Open the Pull-down list under “All Course Pages”

    3. Scroll through the page list. Select the page that will be copied


  7. Edit content as needed. Save your page.

Related articles

Visit the DesignPLUS Training Series Tutorials for more videos. For more step-by-step guides, visit the DesignPLUS User Guide. (These links will overwrite this page.)



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