Progress Indicators and Quick Checks
ID&D KB How-to Guide
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Sometimes students need little nudges to keep them engaged, motivate them to continue with a module activity, or help confirm they are on the right track.
Progress Indicators are a way to give students an idea of where they are in terms of completing activities in the course modules. These can serve to help students manage their time and ensure they complete activities within a module.
Quick Checks allow students to interact with content and make sure they have an understanding of concepts before they get to a graded assessment. These are non-graded activities that allow students to test their knowledge or understanding before moving on to another activity or piece of content.
This article provides step by step guides on how to reimagine a page using the interactive components below:
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Displaying Progress Indicators
You can insert an indicator bar on your page that shows the student's position within a module and provide them with enhanced intramodular navigation. For Progress Indicators to work you must add them to every item in a module. Also, the Modules link must be visible in the Course navigation bar (on the left) for the indicator to work. Also, please note that the progress indicators are not available in the mobile app.
To insert a progress indicator in your course:
Open the first page of your module.
Place your cursor whare you want the progress bar to be displayed. The indicator can be placed anywhere you want on the page. However, if you want it above the Banner Title, place your cursor at the end of the banner title.
Open the Sidebar and search for Progress.
Click on the Progress Indicator icon.
Select Progress Indicator
Using Quick Checks
Quick Checks are non-graded usually one-question items that help students assess if they understood the concepts introduced in a module, giving them instant feedback. Quick Checks can have multiple questions if desired.
To add a Quick Check to a page:
Open the page you want to add a Quick Check.
Place your cursor where you want the Quick Check to appear (In this example I want students to answer a question about a video)
Open the Sidebar and Search for Quick Check
Click on the Quick Check Icon
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Visit the DesignPLUS Training Series Tutorials for more videos. For more step-by-step guides, visit the DesignPLUS User Guide. (These links will overwrite this page.)
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