Using the PasteBoard

Using the PasteBoard

You will find the PasteBoard in Faculty Success to be a time-saving feature. The PasteBoard allows you to copy text from another document, such as your vita in Microsoft Word, and paste it into the PasteBoard. After you have pasted text into the PasteBoard, you can then select text from it, click-and-hold on the text you selected, and drag it into a field in the system to have it pasted into the field. To access the PasteBoard, click the text PasteBoard in the left-hand menu under Manage Activities. The PasteBoard will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen and can be dragged anywhere on the screen as needed. Any text in the PasteBoard upon logging out will remain in the PasteBoard for future sessions.

See more information here.

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