How to Manage a Shared Email Account using Outlook

**You must be the owner of the shared email account to manage the account from the Outlook desktop application.  Those with access to shared email accounts who wish to manage them using the Outlook Webb App can do so using these alternate instructions: How to Manage or Add a Shared Email Account using the Microsoft 365 Outlook WebApp

In order to manage or change rules on a departmental email account you must first add the Profile to Outlook(1).  After adding the shared email profile, open outlook with the selected profile(2) and manage the account.  When finished you can remove the profile from mail preferences(3). 

  1. Add shared Profile to Outlook
    • With Outlook Closed Go to Control Panel
      • Select Mail
      • Choose Show Profiles
      • Click Add
      • Give the profile a name so you can identify it and click OK
      • Replace your email address with the department’s email address
      • Replace your name with the department/shared account name.
      • When prompted to login change the login name to your email address and enter your password.  
      • Approve Authentication with DUO
      • Click Finish
      • Change selection to “Prompt for a Profile” when starting Outlook

    • Apply
    • Ok

   2.  Open Outlook to Edit Rules and Manage Account

    • Open Outlook when prompted select the Profile that was just added (Department Profile).
      • Select File
      • Choose Rules and Alerts to add or remove a forwarding rule

Or Choose Automatic Replies to turn on out of office replies

    • Click Apply/OK and exit outlook when complete

    3.  Remove the Profile from Outlook and return original profile as default

    • With Outlook Closed Go to Control Panel
      • Select Mail
      • Choose Show Profiles
      • Select the Departmental/Group Profile so that it is highlighted in Blue
      • Choose Remove
      • With Original Profile highlighted in blue Change selection to “Always use this profile”
      • Apply
      • OK

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