Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) Timelines
Previously Prepared - Dates will change yearly
Below is a Faculty Success (DM) workflow timeline for Tenure and/or Promotion. The dates are based on the faculty handbook and some logical Faculty Success process dates not mentioned in the Faculty Handbook.
*Note, the dates of your actual Faculty Success workflow may shift a day or two due to a deadline stipulated in the Faculty Handbook falling on a weekend or holiday. Future policy changes may also necessitate modifications to this document.
Tenure or Tenure/Promotion
*Note, the process for a faculty member seeking only tenure and those seeking tenure AND promotion have the same due date schedule for the tenure process; however, those seeking tenure only will go to an archival step in December, while those seeking promotion will flow to the University Promotions Committee.
Step | Due Date | Notes |
Faculty notified of eligibility for tenure and/or promotion | Mid-Summer | Currently the Faculty Handbook indicates that notification must occur by Sept. 5; however, in light of Faculty Success, the Provost is working on moving up this date to mid-summer. |
Faculty gain access to Faculty Success workflow | Mid-summer | Even before access to Faculty Success is granted, faculty may access guidance on all materials needed for the workflow and the location for all entries pulled by Faculty Success for the CV for Tenure and Promotion. See this Faculty Success Knowledge Base site for many useful Faculty Success articles. For Tenure and/or Promotion see the following links on that page: Tenure and Promotion Faculty Submission Guide & CV for Tenure and Promotion Checklist) |
Faculty Submission | October 1 | *Note: faculty may view their “History” in Faculty Success to monitor to which step their workflow has gotten. “History” also allows the faculty member to read and review all uploaded documents from submitted steps. |
Departmental Committee Evaluation | November 1 | If the faculty member is going for both tenure and promotion, the departmental committee will make recommendations about both at this time. |
Faculty Response to Departmental Committee Evaluations | November 3 | Faculty Response Note: The faculty handbook stipulates that the faculty member has five days to respond. However, most faculty do not choose to enter a response, so we have provided only two days on the Faculty Success schedule for this step. If the faculty member would like to avail themselves of the full five days, they should email Chair to inform them that their submission will be coming at the end of the allowed five days. *Note, deadlines in Faculty Success are not hard deadlines, and late notifications should be ignored if you are using the additional time to respond. |
Department Chair Evaluation | November 15 | |
Faculty Response to Chair Evaluation | November 17 | See Faculty Response Note above |
Dean Evaluation | December 1 | |
Faculty Response to Dean Evaluation | December 3 | See Faculty Response Note above |
Provost Evaluation | December 15 | |
Presidential Notification via physical mail | January 15 | Though the President’s letter will be uploaded to Faculty Success, this will only be done after a faculty member has received the physical letter in the mail by the date indicated. |
Archival Step | Spring Semester | This step only applies to faculty members that were only up for tenure, or for faculty members whose tenure was not granted. In these cases, a zip file of the entire submission, including all direct entries and files, will be digitally stored by the Office of the Provost. |
University of Promotions Committee Evaluation | March 1 | If a faculty member was granted tenure and is seeking promotion, the Faculty Success packet will flow to the UPC no later than February 1, often sooner. |
Provost Evaluation for Promotion | March 22 | The Provost does not write a letter for this step, but simply is responsible for reviewing the promotion request and consulting with the President, who will then make the final decision. |
Notification of promotion decision to faculty via physical mail | April 15 | Though the President’s letter will be uploaded to Faculty Success, this will only be done after a faculty member has received the physical letter in the mail by the date indicated. |
Archival Step | Summer | a zip file of the entire submission, including all direct entries and files, will be digitally stored by the Office of the Provost. |
Step | Due Date | Notes |
Faculty notified of eligibility for promotion | September 15 | |
Faculty gain access to Faculty Success workflow | ~September 30 | Even before access to Faculty Success is granted, faculty may access guidance on all materials needed for the workflow and the location for all entries pulled by Faculty Success for the CV for Tenure and Promotion. See this Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) Knowledge Base site for many useful Faculty Success articles. For Tenure and/or Promotion see the following links on that page: Tenure and Promotion Faculty Submission Guide & CV for Tenure and Promotion Checklist) |
Faculty Submission | February 15 | |
Departmental Committee Evaluation | March 1 | |
Faculty Response to Departmental Committee Evaluations | March 3 | Faculty Response Note: The faculty handbook stipulates that a faculty member has five days to respond. However, most faculty do not choose to enter a response, so there are only two days on the Faculty Success schedule for this step. If the faculty member would like to avail themselves of the full five days, they should email Chair to inform them that their submission will be coming at the end of the allowed five days. *Note, deadlines in Faculty Success are not hard deadlines, and late notifications should be ignored if you are using the additional time to respond. |
Department Chair Evaluation | March 15 | |
Faculty Response to Chair Evaluation | March 17 | See Faculty Response Note above |
Dean Evaluation | March 30 | |
Faculty Response to Dean Evaluation | April 2 | See Faculty Response Note above. Note: it is at this step that the faculty member may lodge a formal response to any and all previous steps. |
University Promotions Committee Evaluation | April 22 | |
Provost Evaluation | May 1 | The Provost does not write a letter for this step, but simply is responsible for reviewing the promotion request and consulting with the President, who will then make the final decision. |
Presidential Notification via physical mail | May 15 | Though the President’s letter will be uploaded to Faculty Success, this will only be done after a faculty member has received the physical letter in the mail by the date indicated. |
Archival Step | Summer | A zip file of the entire submission, including all direct entries and files, will be digitally stored by the Office of the Provost. |
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