Online Video Conference Safety

Online Video Conference Safety


Zoombombing is a new form of trolling (disruptive behavior focused on antagonizing the audience or speaker) in which a participant uses Zoom’s screen-sharing feature to interrupt and disrupt meetings and classes.  As a reminder, do not share your Zoom meeting ID and password on Social Media You should place information about your Zoom session in MyClasses (for course-related session) or email participants directly. Also, remember to your Salisbury University Zoom account to host a meeting. Below are guides to help prevent Zoombombing during your session:

If a Zoombomber enters your meeting or class, learn how to Remove Participants from a Zoom session.


Microsoft Teams meetings offers several options to increase the security and privacy of meetings. Scheduled Teams meetings have a Meeting options link to allow the organizer to adjust settings for the meeting lobby, as well as who can present during a meeting. To access the meeting options, with the meeting launched go to More>Settings>Meeting Options.  

  • Meeting Options:
    • Lobby Bypass – The safest option for this is Only Me. That means each person who is invited to the Teams meeting will have to be let in by you (the originator). Secondly you can choose to allow People I Invite (Turn off Allow Forwarding in the meeting invite). Only those individuals who you have invited will be able to join.
    • Always let callers bypass the lobby – Set this option to NO so that each attendee must be admitted by the host
    • Announce when callers join or leave – Set this option YES so you can hear when an attendee enters or leaves the meeting
    • Who can present? – Set this option to Only me and you can determine who can present when the meeting starts.
    • Allow mics for attendees? – Use this to turn ON or OFF microphone abilities to begin the meeting for all attendees.
    • Allow camera for attendees? – Use this to turn ON or OFF camera abilities to begin the meeting for all attendees.
  • Meeting organizers can remove attendees, mute attendees, or change attendee or presenter status during a meeting.
    • Select Show Participants in the meeting bar, Hover over the attendee’s name in the list: Select More options (…) Select the appropriate option, including Mute/Unmute, Remove, Make Presenter

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