Block Edit and Download Access for a OneDrive File
In OneDrive you can share a file but not allow editing and download access for the file by following the instructions below.
Go to and login with your Salisbury University Email address and password.
Select OneDrive from the list of available applications.
Go to the file your would like to share and click on the Share button (forwarding arrow).
A pop up box will appear.
Enter the name of the person you wish to give access to then select the down arrow to the right and go to Link Settings.
In the Link Settings box you can specify who can access the file using a link.
Select the preferred option: Anyone with the link, People in Salisbury University with the link, People with existing access, or Specific People.
If you do not want user to be able to edit the file uncheck the box titled Allow Editing.
If you do not want users to download the file click the slider on (turns blue) to Block Download.
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