SeaGull Scheduler

SeaGull Scheduler

Students can search for and enroll in courses using GullNet or Seagull Scheduler. 

For instructions on enrolling in GullNet see the GullNet how to guide for students

To access Sea Gull Scheduler in GullNet click on the Student Center icon.

Locate and click on the Sea Gull Scheduler.

Click on the Open Sea Gull Scheduler.

Select the Term of which you want to build a schedule
Click on the Save and Continue button

At the main menu you will notice several search options:  Course Status, Term, Sessions, Schools/Colleges, Instruction Modes, Campuses, and Locations. 

Select Change to alter the filter to include or remove options.  

*If there are filters selected within the above selections it will limit the courses shown when searching.

Select + Add Course to select and create a list of courses you wish to take during a specific term.

Search for the courses desired using Subject, General Education Course, Additional Attributes, or Instructor

+ Add Breaks allows you to record times during the day when you don’t wish to take classes (Examples: sports, commuting, employment).

Click on Generate Schedules button to generate a list of all courses added.

Click Send to Shopping Cart to save in the Sea Gull Scheduler Shopping Cart until it is time to enroll for the semester.

Once enrollment is available select Register to enroll in courses.  

Students can register at their appointed time only if they’ve been activated by their advisor.  Enrollment Appointment Information is available in the Student Center in GullNet.  See the Registrar's calendar for appointed times.  

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