Using Explorer++ in Workspace to Manage Files for upload to MyClasses

Explorer++ is an application in which allows you to manage (copy, paste, move, delete) files from SU networked drives like P:\ and K:\ or local drives on your personal computer like C:\ or Macintosh HD.

To use Explorer++ for file management you must install the Horizon client using the instructions found here.  

When working with applications (Word, Stata, Tableau, etc) in it may at times be easier to save to your P:\.  

You are able to save to your P drive via any SU device or Workspace 

When you are ready to submit the file within MyClasses you will need the file to be saved on your personal device. 

To move a file from your P:\ to your local drive, login to and select Explorer++ from the list of applications.

A window will open similar to Windows File Explorer.  

Your drives can be found listed across the top as well as under This PC.  

Your local drive (generally labeled C: on Windows devices or Mac HD on a Mac) will be listed as Z:\

To move a file from you P:\ find the file needed in the directory and either right click and select copy or highlight the file and select copy from the toolbar at the top of the window. 

Find the file location where you would like to move the file and paste the document to the location. 

For example, if you would like it moved to your Documents folder on your personal device select the Z:\ then find the Documents folder in the list and select Paste from the toolbar.  

The file will now be in the desired location on your local computer. 

If needed, you can now go to MyClasses and upload the assignment as needed from your local files.

If you are unable to see your local files on the the Z:\ drive you are either not using the installed client, following the instructions found here, or you did not allow access to your device when prompted.  This can be corrected by using the instructions found under Working with local files (C: drive) using Workspace found here.  

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