Workday-HCM: Academic Appointments

Workday-HCM: Academic Appointments



In Workday, academic appointments are used to track key information related to a faculty's academic
relationship with the university, including academic dates, academic unit, rank, title, and tenure status.This document explains how those users with the appropriate access can Add Academic Appointments, Update Academic Appointments, and End Academic Appointments. This may include the following security roles: Academic Faculty Action Initiator, Academic Chair/Manager, Academic Faculty Administrator, and Academic Partner.
Consult with the appropriate academic office supporting the positions/jobs that the employee holds to determine which position/job should be the primary position/job.

Academic Appointments Initiated from HCM Staffing Events:

To keep the faculty member's Human Resources record in sync with their academic appointment record, most actions start in Workday with the HCM staffing event. For example, a faculty promotion may begin with a job change (HCM staffing event) to promote the employee, which would prompt an update to their academic appointment record (Academic module).
Faculty contract and appointment documentation will be generated and signed as appropriate during the respective HCM staffing event.

Academic Appointments NOT Initiated from HCM Staffing Events:

Some new appointments and updates to existing appointments do not impact the faculty member's Human Resources record, and these can be initiated independent of the HCM staffing transaction (some of these may happen outside of the Workday system). For example, updating tenure status, contract renewals, or adding a concurrent appointment may not impact the employment record.
Academic appointments for faculty overload, concurrent roles, and supplemental activity may have a corresponding increase to the worker's compensation. Period Activity Pay has its own approval process and may include the creation of a contract, letter, or other documentation confirming the appointment. It is recommended that the Period Activity Pay event is completed before entering the academic appointment record in Workday. For more information about Period Activity Pay, please review the Compensation Job Aid.

Data Entry Considerations:

Data entry considerations are provided in the Add and Update Academic Appointment sections of this document.


  • The recommended browser for accessing Workday is Google Chrome. However, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari may also be used.

Considerations by Institution

  • Refer to your institution's policies and procedures regarding academic appointments.

Icons Referred to in This Document

Add Row


Required Field

Related Actions




Radio Button

Add Academic Appointment
  • Use the Add Academic Appointment task to track academic appointment information related to an appointee's new or additional role within the institution and the track enter identified for the role.
  • Before adding an academic appointment for faculty overload, concurrent roles, or supplemental activity, the employee's primary role will need to be identified. Consult with the academic office that owns the positions/jobs that the employee holds to determine which position/job should be the primary.
  • Steps 1-4 relate to appointments that are not initiated as a subprocess of an HCM staffing event. If adding the academic appointment is part of a subprocess for a staffing event, the Academic Faculty Action Initiator receives a My Tasks item from which the task can be run. Launching the task from My Tasks sends the user to the Add Academic Appointment task (step 5).
  • Additional scenario-specific information is provided in the Academic Staffing Processes Overview document.

Enter Add Academic Appointment into the Search bar and select the task.

The Add Academic Appointment pop up displays.

Note: Review the Add Academic Appointment guidelines listed at the top of the page.

Select the Radio for Academic Appointee and enter the worker's name.

Select OK.

The Add Academic Appointment task displays.

Use the Calendar to select the Start Date.

Use the Academic Unit Prompt to select Academic Units and choose or search for the appropriate Academic Unit.

Fill in the following fields under Appointment Information section:

Use the Employment Position Prompt to select the appropriate position.

Note: The Employment Position field is optional but recommended.

Use the Track Enter Prompt to select Enter and choose the appropriate track enter.

Note: Additional fields populate based on the specific track enter selected; additional optional fields may automatically populate.

Use the Reason Prompt to select Add Academic Appointment > Add Academic Appointment and then choose the appropriate reason.

Note: Reason codes are provided in the table below.




Additional Appointment

Add Academic Appointment

Creating a secondary appointment (instructional, administrative) for a faculty member


Add Academic Appointment

Generating a new hire's primary appointment with an institution

New Affiliation

Add Academic Appointment

Moving a faculty member's appointment from one Academic
Unit to another

Switch Tracks

Add Academic Appointment

Revising an appointment to reflect a move between Non-Tenure and Tenure track status



Revising a faculty member from Contingent to Employee status

Select the Prompt for the Rank and choose the appropriate rank.

Rank selection options vary based on the Track Enter selected. Please see Appendix A: Ranks for a list of Ranks available by Track Enter.

Enter the Title for the Academic Appointment.

The Title automatically populates based on a Rank section but can be modified to be more descriptive.

Use the Calendar to select the End Date for the appointment (if applicable).

Use the Identifier Prompt to choose the appropriate Identifier.

Please review Appendix B: Identifiers for additional information about Identifiers.

Delete the data in the Roster Percent field.

The Named Professorship, Appointment Specialty, and Related Academic Unit fields are not required.

The screenshot below displays the required fields referenced in steps above.

Select the Prompt for Tenure Home (if applicable) to select the location for the academic appointment under Tenure Information section.

    • This only appears if Tenure or Permanent is selected for the Track Entered.
    • This automatically populates based on the Academic Unit.

Select the Prompt for Tenure Status under Tenure Information section if applicable.

This only appears if Tenure is selected for the Track Entered.

Select the Additional Appointment Information drop-down and then use the Calendar to select the Academic Review Date if applicable.

Use the Calendar to select the Probationary End Date data if applicable.

 Use the Comment field to provide any additional information (Optional).

Select Submit.


  • This will go through a workflow process, and you will receive notifications if it has been denied, canceled (if the appointment is canceled during the business process), rescinded (if the appointment is rolled back after the business process has been completed), or corrected.
  • As the Add Academic Appointment task moves through the workflow process, others will also receive notifications specific to action and/or review steps for which they are responsible.

Update Academic Appointment


  • Steps above relate to appointments that are not initiated as a subprocess of an HCM staffing event. If updating the academic appointment is part of a subprocess for a staffing event, the Academic Faculty Action Initiator receives an item in My Tasks from which the task can be run. Launching the task from My Tasks sends the user to the Update Academic Appointment task.
  • Additional scenario-specific information is provided in the Academic Staffing Processes Overview document.

Enter Update Academic Appointment into the Search bar and select the task.

The Update Academic Appointment pop up displays.

In the Academic Appointee field, enter the name of the Academic Appointee and choose the appropriate appointee.

Use the Track Prompt to select the appropriate appointment.

This field automatically populates if the appointee only has one appointment.

Use the Calendar to select the Start Date.

Select OK.

The Update Academic Appointment task displays.

The Start Date, Academic Unit, and Employment Position fields automatically populate based on the appointment information.

Under Appointment Information, select the following fields:

Use the Reason Prompt to select the justification for the update. Reason codes are provided in the table below.



Administrative Correction

Making non-substantive corrections to an appointment


Moving the end date for a non-permanent appointment (whether instructional or administrative role) to a later date

Other (Comment Required)

Performing revisions not covered by other options; must include a description of changes made


Elevating a faculty member to a higher position (e.g., Associate Professor > Professor)


Extending an appointment's contracted end date based on the standard period of service (e.g., six months/one year)

Tenure/Permanent Status Clock Extension

Providing Tenure Track faculty additional time prior to entering tenure review; must be requested by faculty member

Update Tenure/Permanent Status

Revising a faculty member's track status

Update the Academic Appointment Title field if applicable.

The Rank, Title, and Identifier fields automatically populate based on the selected appointment but can be updated as appropriate.

        • Appendix A: Ranks provides additional information about the selectable Ranks available in each Track Enter.
        • Appendix B: Identifiers provides additional information about selectable Identifiers.
      • The Named Professorship, Appointment Specialty, and Related Academic Unit fields are not required.
      • The screenshot below displays the required fields referenced above.

Use the Calendar to select an End Date for the appointment if applicable.

Delete the data in the Roster Percent field.

Select the Additional Appointment Information drop-down and then use the Calendar to select the Academic Review Date if applicable.

(Optional) Under the Tenure Information section, review and update the following fields if applicable:

    1. Tenure Home
    2. Tenure Status
    3. Probationary End Date


  • The Tenure Information section only displays if the Track Enter is either Tenure or Permanent.
  • The data in the fields listed in steps 9a-9c auto populates based on the appointment information.

 Use the Comment field to provide any additional information (Optional).

 Add any attachments in the Attachment section by dropping in files or selecting files (Optional).

Select Submit.

Note: A pop up displays, indicating the Academic Partner will review the updated academic appointment.

End Academic Appointment


  • Steps below relate to appointments not initiated as a subprocess of an HCM staffing event. If ending the academic appointment is part of a subprocess for a staffing event, the Academic Faculty Action Initiator receives a message in their Workday Inbox item from which the task can be run. Launching the task from My Tasks sends the user to the End Academic Appointment task.
  • In instances where the terminal date for an appointment is known – such as when a faculty member retires – the end of an academic appointment can be future-dated to that date.
  • Additional scenario-specific information is provided in the Academic Staffing Processes Overview document.

Enter End Academic Appointment Track into the Search bar and select the task.

The End Academic Appointment Track pop up displays.

Enter the name of the academic appointee to end the appropriate academic appointment(s).

Select the Prompt for Track and choose the appropriate track.

Note: Based on the appointee selected, the Track field will auto populate.

Select OK.

The End Academic Appointment Track task displays.

Fill in the following fields under the Appointment Information section:

Use the Calendar to select the End Date.

Select the Reason Prompt to choose the reason for ending the academic appointment.

(Reason codes are provided in the table below.)



Administrative Correction

Making non-substantive corrections to an existing, ending appointment

End Due to Employment Termination

Indicating that a faculty member has resigned or has been dismissed by the institution

End Due to Retirement

Reflecting a faculty member's separation due to retirement

End of Appointment

Indicating that a faculty member's appointment is ending; typically refers to secondary appointments, but this reason may also be used in certain circumstances for primary appointments (such as for visiting professors, and for temporary part-time and/or full-time backfill appointments)

Non-Renewal/Non- Reappointment

Indicating that a faculty member's time-limited secondary appointment is ending without further extension, renewal, or reappointment

Other (Comment Required)

Performing revisions not covered by other options; must include a description of changes made


Indicating that a faculty member's appointment is ending because their role/position is being eliminated

Switch Tracks

Revising an appointment to reflect a move between Non-Tenure and Tenure track status

 Enter any Comments in the Comment section (Optional).

 Add any attachments in the Attachment section by dropping in files or selecting files (Optional).

Select Submit

  • Once submitted, the Academic Partner will review the task. The Dean's office receives a notification.
  • You will be notified if it is denied, canceled (during the business process), rescinded (if the appointment is rolled back after the business process has been completed), or corrected. The Academic Faculty Dean will also be notified if it is rescinded or corrected.

Appendix A: Ranks

The table below lists the Track Enters that can be selected for an academic appointment, as well as the available Rank options in each category.

Track Enter

Rank Options


  • Adjunct I
  • Adjunct II


  • President
  • Provost
  • Associate Provost
  • Assistant Provost
  • Dean
  • Associate Dean
  • Assistant Dean
  • Library Director
  • Associate Library Director
  • Assistant Library Director
  • Chair
  • Program Director
  • Coordinator
  • Special Assistant
  • Fellow


  • Visiting Faculty


  • Executive Director
  • Director
  • Associate Director
  • Assistant Director


  • Faculty Emeritx

Track Enter

Rank Options


  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer
  • Clinical Professor
  • Clinical Associate Professor
  • Clinical Assistant Professor
  • Clinical Instructor
  • Assistant Instructor
  • Professor of the Practice
  • Research Professor
  • Research Associate Professor
  • Research Assistant Professor
  • Associate Research Scholar
  • Assistant Research Scholar
  • Associate Research Scientist
  • Assistant Research Scientist
  • Associate Research Engineer
  • Assistant Research Engineer
  • Research Associate
  • Research Assistant
  • Faculty Research Assistant
  • Artist-in-Residence
  • Executive-in-Residence
  • Writer-in-Residence
  • Fellow


  • Librarian I
  • Librarian II
  • Librarian III
  • Librarian IV


  • Professor of Law
  • Associate Professor of Law
  • Assistant Professor of Law
  • Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor
  • Instructor

Appendix B: Identifiers

The table below provides the selections available within the Identifier field, as well as descriptions of each option.



Adjunct Faculty Instruction – Secondary Instructional

Instructional assignments for adjunct faculty for courses in addition to their primary course load

Concurrent – Secondary Non- Instructional

Assignments for faculty members that refer to either Administrative or Center/Institute/Clinic-based roles

Overload Instruction – Secondary Instructional

Appointment to teach a course that is in excess of the faculty member's normally assigned workload

Primary – Primary

A faculty member's main instructional role with the institution

Professorship – Secondary Non-Instructional

Not used at this time

Secondary Instructional – Secondary Instructional

Instructional assignments for Permanent Status/Permanent Status Track or Tenured/Tenure-Track faculty for courses in addition to their primary assignment

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