Workday-HCM: I-9 Management
This document explains how HR Partner, HCM Action Initiator, and HR Specialist can manage and edit an employee’s I-9 form and information.
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Complete Form I-9 (Section 2. Employer Section or Authorized Representative Review)
Once hired, the employee will complete Section 1. Employee Information and Attestation.
The new hire (in the role as Employee as Self) must complete and sign Section 1 of Form I-9 between the first and third day of employment but not before accepting the job offer.
In My Tasks under All Items, select the Complete Form I-9 item.
Complete the following steps under Section 2. Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verification:
Complete List A if a U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card was provided by the employee.
Complete List B and List C if another form of identification was provided by the Employee.
a. Document Title: Use the Prompt to select the Document Title.
Once the Document Title is selected, Select Issuing Authority automatically populates to U.S. Department of State for List A.
If you are completing List A, select None of the above under List B.
b. (Optional) Document presented is a receipt: Select the Checkbox to indicate if a receipt was provided.
c. Document Number: Enter the U.S. Passport, U.S. Passport Card, or Identification Number.
d. Expiration Date (if any): Use the Calendar to select the Expiration Date.
Note: If you are completing List B and C, choose Select Issuing Authority and use the Prompt to complete field or Enter Issuing Authority in the textbox.
e. (Optional) Additional Information: Enter Additional Information regarding List A, or List B and List C in the textbox.
Use the Calendar to select the employee’s first day of employment.
Note: The employee’s Start Date can be found in the employee’s worker record.
Fill in the following fields under the Signature of Employer or Authorized Representative section:
I Agree: Select the Checkbox to electronically sign this form and to certify that you have read attestation statement.
Title of Employer or Authorized Representative: Enter the Job Title.
Last Name of Employer or Authorized Representative: Enter your Last Name.
First Name of Employer or Authorized Representative: Enter your First Name.
Employer’s Business or Organization Name: Enter your Institution’s Name.
Employer’s Business or Organization Address: Enter the Employer’s Business Address.
City or Town: Enter the City or Town where your institution is located.
State: Enter the State where your Institution is located.
Zip Code: Enter the Zip Code of your Institution.
Upload the Employee’s I-9 documentation in the Attachments section by dropping in files or choosing Select Files.
Select Approve.
Select Send Back if the employee has incomplete or incorrect sections that they need to complete.
Select Save for Later to complete Form I-9 at a later time.
Select Cancel to abandon process.
Once submitted, the process will route to My Tasks for additional steps to be completed.
Under My Tasks All Items, select the Finalize: Employee Name item under the Actions tab.
Use the Prompt to select the employee’s U.S. Employment Verification Status.
Select Submit.
Note: Select Save for Later to update the employee’s U.S. Employment Verification Status at a later time.
Complete Form I-9 Section 3
This task can be used to reverify an employee’s work eligibility if an employee is rehired or changes their Social Security Number (SSN).
This task can also be used if a foreign national employee obtains a new Visa.
Enter Complete Form 1-9 Section 3 in the Search bar and select the task.
The Complete Form I-9 Section 3 pop-up displays.
Worker Form I-9: Use the Prompt to select the Worker Form I-9
Select OK.
The Complete Form I-9 Section 3 page displays.
Fill in the following fields under Section 3. Reverification and Rehires:
(Optional) Date of Rehire (if applicable): Use the Calendar to select the Employee’s Rehire Date.
Last Name (Family Name): Enter the Employee’s Last Name.
Last Name (Given Name): Enter the Employee’s First Name.
(Optional) Middle Initial: Enter the Employee’s Middle Initial.
Document Title: Use the Prompt to select the Employee’s Document Title.
(Optional) Document presented is a receipt: Select the Checkbox to indicate if a receipt was provided.
Document Number: Enter the Document Number.
Expiration Date: Use the Calendar to select the Expiration Date.
Fill in the following fields under the Signature of Employer or Authorized Representative section:
Select the Checkbox next to I Agree to electronically sign this form and to certify that you have read attestation statement located below the section title.
Name of Employer or Authorized Representative: Enter your First and Last Name of the Employer or Authorized Representative.
Upload the Employee’s I-9 Documentation in the Attachment section by dropping in files or choosing Select Files.
Select Submit.
Note: Select Save for Later to complete Section 3 Reverification and Rehires task at a later date.
Amend I-9
Enter Amend Form I-9 in the Search bar and select the task.
The Amend Form I-9 pop up displays.
Worker Form I-9: Use the Prompt to select the Worker Form I-9.
Select OK.
The Amend Form I-9 page displays.
Select the Radio for the section(s) of the Form I-9 that need to be amended.
Navigate to the sections that need to be amended and enter the Instructions for the Employee in the textbox.
Note: Example: Please fix the data entered and resubmit.
a. Section 2: Complete the desired changes and enter the Reason for changes to Section 2 in the textbox.
Select Submit.
Note: The Employee will receive a notification to Amend Form I-9 with the entered instructions.
Internal Audit Form I-9
Enter Form I-9 Internal Audits in the Search bar and select the task.
The Form I-9 Internal Audits pop up displays.
Select OK to show all Form 1-9 Internal Audits.
The Form I-9 Internal Audits page displays.
Select the Latest Form I-9 of the Employee to view their Form I-9.
The View Form I-9 page displays.
Select Finalize Internal Audit.
The Finalize Internal Audit Form I-9 page displays.
Internal Audit Reason: Use the Prompt to select an Internal Audit Reason.
(Optional) Internal Audit Conclusion: Use the Prompt to select an Internal Audit Conclusion.
Select the Checkbox to indicate that The internal audit for the Form I-9 is complete.
Select Submit.
RPT188 New Hires Missing an Electronic Form I-9
Note: This report is used to view new hires electronic Form I-9’s and track the process status.
Enter RPT188 New Hires Missing an Electronic Form I-9 in the Search bar and select the report.
The RPT188 New Hires Missing an Electronic Form I-9 pop-up displays.
Hired on or After: Use the Calendar to select the Hired on or After date.
(Optional) Hired on or Before: Use the Calendar to select the Hired on or Before date.
Select OK.
The RPT188 New Hires Missing an Electronic Form I-9 report displays.
Note: For more information on running reports, refer to the Reporting job aid.
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