Items In New Quizzes, Item banks are useful when reusing questions across multiple quizzes. These allow you to store a question and its answer and then pull it into a new quizused to store questions for use in multiple assessments, for randomizing questions within an assessment and for sharing with others. You can use your item banks in any course where you have permission to create and edit an assessment using New Quizzes. Questions in item banks can be added to a New Quiz individually or as a randomized group.
Step-by-step guide
- First, create a NewQuiz New Quiz or edit a previously created NewQuizNew Quiz.
- Then click edit on the question you would like to add to the item bank.
- Click the dropdown menu that says "Item Banking"
- Then select the "Add to Item Bank" option.quesetion question bank or select an existing one. For this example we have selected an existing one. 6. To use this question from the item bank, click the blue plus button to add a question, then when selecting your question type, click the piggy bank icon and select your question from the item bank by clicking the blue plus to add it to your quiz. 5. Then, either create a new