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ID&D KB How-to GuideWorking together to enhance teaching & learning. If you need additional assistance, please reach out to the ID&D team. |
The Apply Score as Ungraded feature in Grades is useful, especially around Mid-Term and end of Semester grading, to allow instructors to apply a grade for all missing or ungraded assignments for the entire course or all assignments within a specific assignment group (a feature within Assignments that allows an instructor to organize assignments by type or for weighted percentages).
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Warning: Once this option is applied, it cannot be undone. However, instructors can manually change individual grades. |
Within Grades, instructors have the ability to apply a grade for all ungraded or missing assignments across the entire course or a specific assignment group at once using the Apply Score to Ungraded option. This option is located by hovering over the Totals column or an Assignment Group column in Grades and selecting the Options icon: