Current students are eligible to receive a free copy of Office 365 through their student Office365 email account. This version of Office 365 is valid as long as the student remains a student enrolled at Salisbury University, up through graduation. Instructions for installation can be found here How to install Microsoft 365 for Windows or How to install Microsoft 365 for Macs. Troubleshooting information for this installation can also be found at portal.office.com by clicking the Troubleshoot installation link under the Install Now button. You can also contact Microsoft's Office Support: https://support.office.com/home/contact.
Users of other systems, such as Chromebooks or other Google OS devices, are unable to install Office 365 onto their devices, but can use the Office WebApps for free. Users of Androids, iPhones and Windows Phones may also be able to install free Office apps on their devices at https://products.office.com/en-us/mobile/office.