Tip: 3 Ways to Communicate with Students in MyClasses

Tip: 3 Ways to Communicate with Students in MyClasses

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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Communication is key in building relationships and this include the instructor-student relationship. Students engage more when instructors are there for their students. In online learning, this is often referred to as Instructor Presence, but is applicable to all instructional modalities. Below are 3 strategies to communicate to students using MyClasses and help build your instructor presence:

1: Announcements

Announcements are a great way to communicate with your students. When you create an announcement it is delivered to all students within the course via three communication channels:

  • Within your MyClasses course

  • Via email to their SU or default email address

  • Via notification or text message on mobile devices when students use the Canvas Student app (and most students use this app)

Canvas will send your announcement to all sections within your course. If you have a combined course with multiple sections, you can also choose to send announcements to specific course sections. Announcements will always live in the course, but users who have set their notification preferences to receive notifications for announcements will also receive an email and/or text message about the announcement as well. Announcements can also be created with future due dates - so, if you want to remind students the date/time of their Final Exam, you can do this anytime during the semester but have it delivered two weeks before the end of semester.

2: Inbox (Messages)

MyClasses provides it's own "email-type" messaging. The great news is that message sent to the Inbox are also duplicated in your Outlook email. The Inbox allows you to communicate to an entire class, student groups or individuals students. You can initiate the message directly from the Inbox icon on the left global navigation as well as through People (using the Contact Card) or Gradebook (more on that below).

3: Message Students Who option

You can use the Gradebook to send messages to your students using the Message Students Who option.

Message subjects are filtered based on specific assignment categories:

  • Haven't submitted yet—students who haven't submitted the assignment, even if they have been manually awarded a grade.

    • Why use this option? At the beginning of the semester, use this feature to remind students on an upcoming deadline. For example, if you have several quizzes throughout your course, using this feature help students learn the deadlines early by sending gentle reminders until they can establish their own time management and routines.

  • Haven't been graded—students whose assignments have not yet been graded (submitted or unsubmitted).

    • Why use this option? Frequent and effective feedback is important - but if you are behind in grading, this is a useful way to communicate with the students and acknowledge you know they submitted an assignment but your are delayed in reviewing their work. This simple communication strategy can alleviate their anxiety around knowing how they performed.

  • Scored less than [point value]—students who earned a grade on their assignment less than X number of points.

    • Why use this option? Reach out to students who might have struggled on an assignment - provide them feedback and/or methods for improvement. Examples: (a) students who struggled with a writing assignment could be referred to the Writing Center for growth and support or (b) students who are struggling with a particular concept could be referred back to a lecture/course materials or supplemental videos on the web.

  • Scored more than [point value]—students who earned a grade on their assignment more than X number of points.  

    • Why use this option? To often we communicate more with students who are struggling, but why not congratulate individuals on their successes? Use this feedback to acknowledge and reinforce student's efforts and build your connection with the students. 

At the beginning of the semester, use this feature to build an inclusive and welcoming climate. This feature also saves you time - although one message most likely will be sent to multiple students, each student will receive an individual message.

Canvas Guides

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