Peer Review Assignments

Peer Review Assignments

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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A peer review assignment enables students to provide feedback on another student's assignment submission. Peer reviews are a tool that allows communication between students and can help students master the concepts of a course and learn from each other. Peer reviews can be assigned to show student names or display anonymously.

For more details about peer review assignments, please watch the video or view the step-by-step instructions below.

Creating a Peer Review Assignment

First create the assignment that will be peer reviewed.

  1. Locate the Assignments tab in Course Navigation, then click the "+ Assignment" tab.

    step 1.png


  1. After adding the Assignment information such as, title, description, and any other related settings. Set the submission type to "Online" and check the box that says "Requires Peer Reviews".

step 2.png


  1. Once checked, two options will appear, "Manually Assign Peer Reviews" or "Automatically Assign Peer Reviews". If you chose the second option the following menu will appear. Click the one that fits your assignment.

  1. Next, click the tab assingot.pngand enter your due date information. Click apply and save.

If you would like to include a rubric for Assignment Grading, check out https://su-support.atlassian.net/wiki/x/kwK4B for more information.


Assigning Students for Peer Review

Determine how students will be assigned to complete the review.

  1. Once you have set up your assignment details, click on the image-20240726-172910.pnglink under Assignment details. Here you will see the list of students with an option to manually or automatically assign one or more student submissions.

    1. To assign a student manually:

      1. Click the +

      2. Select another student from the dropdown menu

      3. Click add

    2. To automatically assign a student submission:

      1. Enter the amount of reviews per student and then click “Assign Peer Reviews”

The automatically assign feature will not work unless students have already submitted the assignment. Manually assigning can be done before or after the assignment due date.

Submitting Peer Review

Lastly, determine how the peer review will be submitted for grading.

  1. If you want to assign points for completing a peer review activity, a separate no submission assignment must be created in order to manually assign points.

  1. Students will see an item under their Dashboard To-do List and if clicked will be prompted to complete the peer review. Students will also see the required peer review under the assignments module.

  1. To see if a student completed a peer review or not, click on the image-20240726-172910.pnglink under Assignment details. Here you will see the list of students with one of three icons by their names.

    1. If you see 2024-07-26_14-54-22.png this means this student has not been assigned another student to peer review.

    2. A checkmark 2024-07-26_14-56-35.png signals a student has completed the assigned peer review

    3. An exclamation point 2024-07-26_14-50-25.png signals a student has NOT completed the assigned peer review.

  2. Students will be able to see if they’ve completed the peer review by viewing the assignment and clicking the “Required Peer Reviews” dropdown menu.

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