This document will give you instructions on how to connect your Windows 11 Computer to our SU-Secure wireless network using SU-Connect.
Automated System Instructions
- Click the Network Icon in the bottom right-hand corner, near the date and time, and select SU-Connect and click Connect.
- If not done automatically, open a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, and navigate to
- Click Personally Owned Device or Salisbury University Owned Devices.
- Click the JoinNow button.
- If prompted choose to Keep the file downloaded then choose Run to run WiFi_Salisbury_University_Wrapper.exe.
- You may be prompted with a SmartScreen warning, if so choose Run.
7. Click Yes to allow SecureW2 JoinNow to make changes to your computer.
9. If your password is up-to-date and your account is active, this process will complete and you will need to click Done.
10. You can see that you are now connected to SU-Secure by clicking the Network icon.