DesignPLUS Sidebar Display Choices
ID&D KB How-to Guide
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Element Display
When you open the Sidebar, the tools are listed by category by default, however, you can customize how the elements and tools will display in the Sidebar.
You can click on the images below to see them larger and with more detail.
The first option is whether you want the tools to be sorted and displayed by:
Category - this sorts and lists the tools based on functionality and purpose.
Alphabetically - this lists all tools in either ascending (Sort A - Z) or descending (Sort Z - A) order.
The second option, which works with the first selection, lets you determine how the tools are displayed either under their categories or in the list. These options are:
Large Icons
Small Icons
List View
Choice of Display
The choice of display can enable easy access to the tools you need in a format you are comfortable with. Here are examples of the display for three of the most common selections:
Search for Tools
As you become familiar with the names of tools, you also have the ability to simply use the search field at the top of the tab. While you may be familiar with some of the tools available in the previous version of DesignPLUS, some names may have changed, but the search field will help you find what you are looking for!
Play and Practice! If you would like to try out the newer DesignPLUS Tools, the articles listed below can show you how to use them! Request a Playground course to practice and play with these tools!
Related Articles
Visit the DesignPLUS Training Series Tutorials for more videos. For more step-by-step guides, visit the DesignPLUS User Guide.
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