Labelled content
This list shows content tagged with the following label:
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Scheduling within EMS (Technology Support Center)
Establishing Settings for a Quiz (Instructional Design and Delivery Support Center)
Self-Submitting Documents for Review in Turnitin (Instructional Design and Delivery Support Center)
McGraw Hill Connect LTI Advantage (Instructional Design and Delivery Support Center)
Allowing Additional Time on Quiz (Student Accommodations) (Instructional Design and Delivery Support Center)
Allowing Additional Attempts on a Quiz (Instructional Design and Delivery Support Center)
Using Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor (Instructional Design and Delivery Support Center)
Creating Content Pages with DesignPLUS (Instructional Design and Delivery Support Center)
DesignPLUS Upload/Embed Image Tool (Instructional Design and Delivery Support Center)