Quality Matters Online Self-Registration

Quality Matters Online Self-Registration

About Quality Matters

Quality Matters (QM), an internationally recognized, standards-based program, offers faculty quality assurance in online and hybrid course design with a focus on continuous improvement. Originating from a FIPSE grant in Maryland, QM is a non-profit organization offering institutional subscriptions. Salisbury University has an institutional subscription with Quality Matters and uses the Higher Education QM rubric, which is supported by research, as the foundation for quality online and hybrid course design. 

Summer 2020

As part of the USM OnTrack program, faculty and staff are eligible to participate in free online webinars through Quality Matters. Before registering for a webinar, faculty should follow the instructions below to create your account with Quality Matters.

Please Note

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Step-by-step guide to create your QM Account

  1. Open an Internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
  2. Enter https://www.qmprogram.org/myqm into the address bar
  3. If you do not already have a MyQM account, follow the steps below to create one:
    1. Select "No, I am new here"
    2. Select the Sign In button.

    3. Enter your email address, first name, and last name.
    4. Type Salisbury University for the institution/organization.

    5. Enter your desired password.
    6. Enter your desired password again to confirm.
    7. Select your preference for receiving QM emails.
    8. Enter GETACCT into the verification box.
    9. Select the Create Account button.
      1. If prompted, select your institution from the list provided.
      2. Select the Create Account button.
    10. You will receive a conformation email from technology@qualitymatters.org with the subject line "Quality Matters - MyQM - New Account Created" at the email address you used to create your MyQM Account (check your spam folder if you do not see this email in your inbox).

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