Creating and Authorizing a PointSolutions Account

Creating and Authorizing a PointSolutions Account

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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PointSolutions requires all users (students and instructors) to create a PointSolutions Account. PointSolutions Account is a unified account system used to manage subscription, register devices and integrate with our Learning Management System, MyClasses. PointSolutions  Accounts can be created using the “pointsolutions Registration” Tool in MyClasses.

Make sure you use your SU email as the username for your PointSolutions Account AND start the account creation process from MyClasses using the "pointsolutions Registration" link.


Please Note

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Creating a PointSolutions  Account in MyClasses Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Login to your course in MyClasses.

  2. Click the pointsolutions Registration link from the course navigation menu. (see instructions on how to enable the clicker registration).

  3. If prompted, login with SU Username to login to MyClasses.

    a screenshot of MyClasses login page with username password text boxes displayed
    MyClasses Login Page

  4. Verify your information, First Name, Last Name, Country, and select Instructor as the Role.

  5. Select the box labeled "By checking this, you agree to comply with the End-User License Agreement and Terms of Use".

  6. Click Finish. Your PointSolutions  Account Web Instructor dashboard will be displayed.

Authorizing PointSolutions  Account Access to MyClasses Account

  1. Click the "MyClasses" tab (1) and click the “MyClasses Authentication” button (2).

  2. If prompted, login with SU Username to login to MyClasses.

    SU single sign-on screen

  3. Click Authorize.

  4. The PointSolutions  Web Instructor dashboard will be displayed.

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