Editing Your User Profile

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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MyClasses Profile and User Settings let you customize your personal information in MyClasses. This step-by-step guide explains how to modify your name to a preferred name or nickname, add a profile picture, and select a preferred pronoun and more. To get an overview of the items you can modify, watch the video below, or follow the step-by-step instructions provided in this article.


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Step-by-Step Guide

Editing Your Profile

  1. Log into MyClasses and select Account at the top of the Global Navigation menu on left.

  2. Select Profile.

    The link to your Profile options is highlighted.
    Account Options Menu


  3. Click the Edit Profile button on the right side of the screen.


  4. Here you can:

    1. Change profile picture

    2. Add your preferred name

    3. Select preferred pronouns

    4. Add a title (i.e. Student, Professor, etc.)

  5. To upload a profile picture, click the profile picture icon, click “choose a picture” to locate a picture from your computer, and click Save to finish uploading the picture.

  6. Once you are done customizing your profile, click the Save Profile.

Adding Additional Contact Methods

  1. Click the Settings link located on the top right of the screen.

  2. Here you can edit Ways to Contact, located on the right side of the screen.

    1. To include a second email address you can select the “Add Email Address” option.

    2. To include a phone number to be notified via SMS messaging select “Add Contact Method.”

Note: When adding a Cellular Phone, a verification message will be sent to the selected number.

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