Printing, Faxing and Scanning
Salisbury University offers many options for printing on campus for faculty, staff and students.
Information Technology encourages everyone to do your part to reduce printing and paper waste. All users are given 300 pages per week but encouraged to use as necessary to reduce waste.
Student Printing Services
- Using GoPrint to Print in IT Computer Labs or Public Locations - Black and White, Color and Résumé Printing
- Mobile Printing using PrinterOn
- Student and faculty poster printing hours and information
- About personal printers in Residence Halls
Faculty and Staff Print Services
- Departmental Canon devices-print, copy, scan, fax, supplies, support
- Student and faculty poster printing hours and information
- Other Print Services
- "Load tray 1" Printer Error -computer labs and library
- About personal printers in Residence Halls
- Add a Local/Personal Printer to a Mac
- Copying from a departmental Canon printer
- Departmental Canon devices-print, copy, scan, fax, supplies, support
- Faxing from a Departmental Canon Printer
- How to print single-sided in an IT computer lab
- How to Print using a Guest Account
- Mobile Printing using PrinterOn
- Other Print Services
- PrinterLogic - Adding a networked printer to your computer
- Printing envelopes on a departmental Canon printer
- Printing in grayscale in Windows IT computer labs
- Printing multiple PowerPoint slides in Windows
- Printing multiple PowerPoint slides on Mac
- Printing to a departmental Canon from a Mac
- Printing to a Departmental Canon from Windows
- Releasing print jobs from the GoPrint release station
- Scanning from a departmental Canon
- Student and faculty poster printing hours and information
- Using GoPrint to Print in IT Computer Labs or Public Locations
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