ALEKS Integration

ALEKS Integration

ID&D KB How-to Guide

Working together to enhance teaching & learning. If you need additional assistance, please reach out to the ID&D team.

Faculty using McGraw-Hill ALEKS content are encouraged to setup their course site prior to integrating with their MyClasses course.  The integration with MyClasses and ALEKS allows for the following:

  • Single-sign on for faculty and students

  • Grade synchronization (if elected by faculty member)

  • Ability to have assignments and activities deployed to MyClasses Canvas for direct links within a course (often called deep integration)

The following step-by-step guides detail the main processes for a faculty member to setup their ALEKS integration.

Before you begin with ALEKS

  1. Make sure you have ALEKS login information (username and password).

  2. Duplicate an existing ALEKS class section or create a new ALEKS class section.

ALEKS Integration#TOC

Enable ALEKS in your MyClasses Course

To enable ALEKS in MyClasses:

  1. Login to MyClasses and access your course.

  2. Select Settings from the course navigation menu.

  3. Select the Navigation tab

  4. In the bottom section, locate ALEKS LTI 1.3. You can then drag ALEKS LTI 1.3 to the top section or right click and select Enable. Then move ALEKS LTI 1.3 to the desired location for your course menu as you want it presented to the students.

    Layout of the settings page with each step being marked by numbers.
    Canvas layout of Settings page
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. 

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Pairing your MyClasses and ALEKS accounts

Launch the ALEKS LTI 1.3 tool from the course menu to begin the integration process.

  1. Click ALEKS LTI 1.3 from the course navigation menu.

  2. The first time you click through the ALEKS tool as an instructor you will be asked to pair you Canvas account to your ALEKS account.

  3. Select the option Yes, I want to use my existing ALEKS account. Enter your ALEKS login name and password to link to Canvas. Then click Continue.

    ALEKS Login Screen


  4. Agree to the Terms of se and click Continue to finalize your account.

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Pairing your MyClasses and ALEKS course sites

To pair your ALEKS course with your MyClasses course:

  1. Within your MyClasses course, select the ALEKS LTI 1.3 option on your course menu.

  2. You will be prompted to choose an option to pair with your LMS course. You can either select and Existing Course or create a New Course.

  3. Select the Existing Classes option and then use the drop-down menu to select and existing ALEKS class section.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. A confirmation will display stating that the ALEKS class has been securely paired with your MyClasses course.


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Enable Gradebook Sync From ALEKS

  1. From your paired ALEKS course, hover over Gradebook and select Gradebook Setup to begin enabling automatic grade sync.

  2. Check the box to enable automatic gradebook sync. You will be able to select specific categories of ALEKS assignments to send over to your Canvas gradebook.

    When you select a category to sync and save, all assignments of that type will automatically appear in your Canvas gradebook as an individual assignment. The current point values in ALEKS will sync over at this time. Gradebook weights in ALEKS are only used the calculation of the ALEKS total grade, which itself can also be synced as its own assignment in your gradebook.

  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

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