Workday-FIN: Return to Supplier Event

FIN: Return to Supplier Event


This document explains how Requesters, Buyers, and Receivers can create returns from a purchase order in Workday. In addition, this document will explain how the Purchase Order Buyer can review the return.

  • The recommended browser for accessing Workday is Google Chrome. However, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari may also be used.

Icons Referred to in This Document


Required Field


My Tasks


Create Return from Purchase Order

  1. Enter Create Return in the Search bar and select the task.

  2. The Create Return pop up displays.

  3. Purchase Order: Use the Radio to select Purchase Order.

  1. Use the Prompt to select the vendor and choose the available Purchase Order.

Note: Alternatively enter the Purchase Order number directly into the field.

  1. Select OK.

  2. The Create Return page displays.

  3. Complete the following fields under the Summary section:

a. Return Reason: use the Prompt to select the Return Reason.

b. Return Date: automatically populates to today’s date.

c. (Optional) Supplier RMA: enter the RMA if you have obtained a Return Merchandise Authorization from supplier.

Note: If you do not have the RMA, the Purchase Order Buyer enters it after the return is submitted for review.

d. Return Ship-To Address: use the Prompt to select the Return Ship-To Address.

e. Enter a Memo regarding the Return.

  1. Review the Goods Lines table and make any applicable adjustments.

  2. Enter the Quantity to return in the table.

Note: Cannot enter a quantity larger than what was received.

  1. (Optional) Select the Attachments tab and upload any relevant documentation pertaining to the return.

  2. Select Submit.

Note: After submission, the return is sent for review to the Purchase Order Buyer to complete the Supplier RMA.

Review Return to Supplier by a Purchase Order Buyer

  1. In My Tasks under All Items, select the item titled RT and the invoice number for the return (i.e. RT23- 1007).

  2. Supplier RMA: enter the Supplier RMA.


  • The buyer needs to contact the supplier to get the RMA number.

  • If not required by the supplier, enter N/A.

  1. Review all information to approve, send back, or deny, the Return.

  2. Select Approve.


  • You may select Deny or Send Back.

    • If denied is selected, a notification will be sent to the person who created the return and the process will end.

    • If Send Back is selected, the initiator will have the opportunity to revise the return and re- submit.

  • After the return is approved, it will go to the AP Data Entry Specialist to create an invoice adjustment. Please refer to the Supplier Events Computer Based Training (CBT) for more information.

  • Contact your procurement office on next steps regarding shipping your merchandise back to the supplier.

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