Establishing Settings for a Quiz
ID&D KB How-to Guide
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Assessments within MyClasses (quiz, test, exam, etc.) are graded and are managed using the Quizzes tool. This guide will provide instructions on establishing the settings for a Quiz in MyClasses. Settings are saved automatically as you adjust them in the assessment.
Step by Step Instructions:
Create a quiz or locate an existing Quiz and select Build to edit/modify the assessment.
Select the Settings tab at the top of the screen.
Adjust the toggle options to establish how the assessment will appear to students:
Shuffle questions: To shuffle all of the questions in the assessment, regardless of how you have added questions to the course, toggle this option on. If you have setup your assessment and want the questions to be displayed in a specific order, toggle this option off.
Shuffle answers: To shuffle the answer choices within questions, toggle this option on. You can also establish shuffling of answer choices when creating multiple choice/multiple response questions.
One question at time: To increase assessment security, it is recommend to deliver one question at a time by selecting this toggle option. Once this option is selected, if you want the students to be able to return to any question during the assessment, ensure that the Allow Backtracking option is checked.
If you will proctoring an assessment within a classroom, you might want to include a student access code. If so, toggle this option on and then type in the code in which you will communicate to students at the start of the assessment. Otherwise, you can keep this option off.
If you want to establish a time limit for students to complete the assessment, toggle this option on and select the hours/minutes in which all students have to complete the assessment. Please see our article Allowing Additional Time on Quiz (Student Accommodations) for student’s who need additional time to take an assessment.
Skip the Filter IP addresses option as this does not work on our network due to dynamic IP addresses.
If you want the students to be able to use a Calculator on the computer during the assessment, toggle this option on.
ID&D recommends turning on the Allow clearing selection (Multiple Choice) to allow students to unselect all options of a multiple choice questions to “reset” that question.
If you would to allow the students to take assessment more than once, toggle on the Allow multiple attempts option. Once on, you will have additional options to set:
Score to keep: Use the drop down to select which score you will keep. Most individuals select the Highest option. Other options available include average, latest or first.
Allowed attempts: It is recommend to establish a Limited number of attempts, otherwise students can take the assessment an infinite amount of times if you use the Unlimited option. If you select Limited, then enter the number of times the students can take the assessment.
Waiting period: If you would like students to wait between their first and next attempt, you can enable the Require time between attempts. Once enabled, select the amount of days, hours, and/or minutes in which the students have to wait before completing the assessment again.
Build on last attempt: This option allows the student to only answer questions in which they did not complete and/or answered incorrectly from the previous attempt. When enabled, the questions in which the student’s receive are the same for each attempt. If you are using Item Banks and want students to receive different questions for each attempt, do not enable this option.
The last setting pertains to the feedback and results students receive immediately after taking an assessment. [Effective October 19, 2024] By default the Hide results from students option is off, indicating that students will see everything (questions, how they responded, correct answers and score for each question) immediately after taking an assessment. To control when and what students see after assessment, enable Hide results from students and select from the following options:
Show questions to expand options for question visibility, including student responses, correct answers and feedback. When the Show student responses option is enabled, instructors can choose when results are displayed after a specific attempt [1] and set specific Show on [2] and Hide on [3] dates and times for the student responses. Additionally, they can display correct and incorrect responses using the Indicate response as correct or incorrect option, and decide whether to show the correct answer [4], either immediately [5] or only after the student's final attempt [6]. The correct answers settings can also be configured to Show on [7] or Hide on [8] particular dates. Enable Show Feedback [9] to display any question general, correct or incorrect feedback provided in the questions.
Show points possible to display both overall points and points per question.
Show points awarded to display the points a student earned overall and per question.
Note: ID&D encourages faculty to work with their Instructional Designer liaison to explore student result settings and how it appears to students.
There are several strategies to providing students with feedback on their assessments. A few examples include:
No results, except grade in gradebook:
What students see:
Results and feedback, useful for multiple attempts:
What students see before last attempt:
Results based on dates:
What students see within dates:
What students see before/after dates:
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