READ BEFORE Using New Quizzes - Known Concerns

READ BEFORE Using New Quizzes - Known Concerns

ID&D KB How-to Guide

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As ID&D assists the campus in migrating assessments from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes, this page will track reported concerns, possible work-arounds and status updates as provided by Instructure, the makers of Canvas.  Please see the New Quizzes Feature Comparison chart to track functionality differences between Classic and New Quizzes, including plans for features still on the Roadmap.

Please see the following issues or concerns regarding New Quizzes:

Quiz Results - Unable to Set Day/Time to Display Correct Answers

In Classic Quizzes, instructors were able to establish a date/time in which correct answers were displayed to students. This feature is currently not available in New Quizzes.

Workaround: Manually adjust the settings to restrict feedback while the assessment is open and then return to the settings after the assessment is closed to release the information that you want the students to see.

Status: The ability to set when correct answers are visible to students is part of the https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Themes/Increase-options-for-restricting-student-results-view-in-quizzes/idi-p/554627 theme that will be open to the Canvas Community in October 2024. If this is important to you - make sure you vote in the Canvas Community.

Resolved: The October 19 update to MyClasses introduced additional settings faculty can establish for releasing student results from an assessment. Please see the Establishing Settings for a Quiz article for full details on how to release results and correct answers by date and time.

Images Not Displaying in Respondus LockDown Browser

When using Respondus LockDown Browser with a New Quiz that has questions containing images, the images will not display to the students during the assessment.

Cause: Questions that include images that reside in the Course Files area are not displaying in Respondus LockDown Browser with New Quizzes. This problem has been reported to both Canvas (Case #10728576) and Respondus (Case #124837) support teams by ID&D.

Workaround: Instead of storing your images in Course Files, you can upload images to the User Files and link to the images in your questions from this location. At this time, New Quizzes and LDB require the image to be in a location with less restrictive permissions in order to display during an assessment. Images could also be stored in the P:/htdocs folder which allows images to be accessible through a URL. 

Resolved: Canvas (Case #10728576) implemented a fix on May 8, 2024 to correct this issue. ID&D tested assessments in courses in which this error was known and confirm that the images display properly to students during assessments using LockDown Browser.

Images Not Displaying in Questions in Shared Item Banks

When sharing Item Banks across courses and section with different instructors, the images might not display to other faculty and/or students.

Cause: Questions that include images that reside in the Course Files of a particular course created by the original faculty member might not display to other faculty/students in different courses or sections. This problem has been reported to Canvas (Cases #10703484 and #10728576) and is currently identified as a known issue with the New Quizzes development team.

Workaround: Faculty are encouraged to work with their Instructional Designer liaison on the development questions with images in Shared Item Banks. Two workaround solutions have been:

  • Instructional Designer uploads images to course specific folders within WEBAPPS which allows images to be accessible through a URL.

  • Faculty save images in the P:/htdocs folder which allows images to be accessible through a URL.

To add an image to a question using a URL:

  1. In the Rich Content Editor, insert your cursor where you want the image to appear.

  2. Select dropdown to the right of the image icon on the toolbar.

  3. Select Upload Image.

  4. Select the URL tab.

  5. Enter the URL where the image is located:

    1. WEBAPPS example would be: https://webapps.salisbury.edu/idd/new-quizzes/tubman1868LOC.jpg

    2. P:\htdocs example would be: https://faculty.salisbury.edu/~mdthomas/images/tubman1868LOC.jpg 

  6. Adjust additional settings such as adding in an Alternate Text for the image for accessibility.

  7. Click Submit

Multiple Attempts: Does Not Show Late Indicator in SpeedGrader

In New Quizzes, if you allow students multiple attempts on a quiz and they submit one or more of the attempts after the due date, the "Late" indicator does not show up in SpeedGrader under submission details. The submission is identified as late, but is missing the Late indicator. Note: This only applies to New Quizzes that are set to allow multiple attempts. Single attempt quizzes will still show the Late indicator in SpeedGrader. The image below shows an example of the Late indicator in Classic Quizzes:

If you have a late submission policy and depend on the Late indicator in SpeedGrader to deduct points, you may be impacted by this missing indicator. In Speedgrader, you will see late point deductions and if you click on the pencil icon for statuses, Late will have a checkmark next to this status. 

However, Late submissions are still flagged in your Gradebook. The color of the indicators in your Gradebook may vary depending on your status colors. In the example below, the gradebook cell is green if the submission is late, red if the submission is missing, and the white and grey cells indicate alternating rows.




  1. Use the Gradebook indicators to update points based on late submissions (if needed).

  2. Add an Until date to block students from submitting late. If you add an Until date that matched the Due date, students will not be able to start the quiz after the Until date/time has passed and all open quizzes will automatically be submitted at that time to be considered an on-time submission.


Unable to Download Files Submissions in Bulk

In Classic Quizzes, when an assessment has a file upload question instructors were able to download all student file submissions at one time. This feature is not available in New Quizzes.

Status: While this feature is not available in New Quizzes at this time, it is on the roadmap, scheduled to be addressed in Q1 2025 and beyond.

Unable to Download Student Results to CSV File

In Classic Quizzes, faculty were able to go to View Statistics run the Student Analysis report to obtain a tabular representation of each student's answers and the grade awarded for each answer. This file would be in .CSV format for importing in to Excel or other software. While there are Quiz Statistics available on the Reports tab of New Quizzes, the ability to download student results to a CSV is not available in New Quizzes.

Status: While this feature is not available in New Quizzes at this time, it is on the roadmap, scheduled to be addressed in Q1 2025 and beyond.

For additional assistance or questions, please reach out to your Instructional Designer liaison.

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