Workday-FIN: Create Expense Report For Worker


This document explains how Expense Data Entry Specialists can create an expense report for an employee who is not creating the expense report themselves.

The recommended browser for accessing Workday is Google Chrome. However, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari may also be used.

Considerations by Institution


Icons Referred to in This Document

Required Field




Check Box





  • This task is similar to the self service task, Create Expense Report, that is covered in the Expense Report job aid.

  • Some fields may or may not be auto populated. Any field that automatically populates should be left as is unless a change to the field is required. Fields that do not autopopulate should be entered in.


Enter Create Expense Report for Worker in the Search bar and select the task.

The Create Expense Report for Worker page displays.

Review the Instructions section.

Fill in the following fields:

Pay To: enter the Worker’s Name.

Note: Pay To is the worker you are creating an expense report for.

Creation Options: use the Radio to select one of the options:

  1. Create New Expense Report

  2. Copy Previous Expense Report: use the Prompt to select the Expense Report.

  3. Create New Expense Report from Spend Authorization: use the Prompt to select the Spend Authorization.

Note: An approved spend authorization is required for travel expenses.

Final Expense Report for Spend Authorization: select the checkbox if applicable.

Note: If an additional Expense Report is needed, do not select Final Expense Report. Selecting Final Expense Report for Spend Authorization closes out the associated Spend Authorization.

Memo: enter a Memo.

Company: automatically populates to your institution.

Expense Report Date: automatically populates to today’s date.

Business Purpose: use the Prompt to select the Business Purpose.

Use the Prompt to populate only one of the following worktags: USource, Grant, Project, or Gift.

Additional Worktags: automatically populates based on Driver Worktag selection.

(Optional) If there are credit card transactions associated with this expense report for the worker, scroll down and select the Credit Card Transactions tab.


  • Credit Card transactions must be populated prior to creating the expense lines for expensing credit card transactions.

  • If the credit card transactions are not in the table, the credit card transaction is not ready to be expensed on the expense report.

Select the Check boxes for applicable Credit Card transactions to include.

Note: Checking applicable Credit Card transactions automatically populates the Expense Line, which you will see after selecting OK in Step 5.

Select the Check Boxes for applicable credit card transactions to include.

(Optional) If there are quick expenses associated with this expense report for the worker, select the Quick Expenses tab.

Note: Quick Expenses must be populated prior to creating this expense report if you plan on

using Quick Expenses for the worker’s expense report.

Check boxes for applicable Quick Expenses to include.

Select OK.

The Create Expense Report for Worker page displays.

Under the Expense Lines tab select Add.

Note: If any credit card transactions and/or quick expenses are selected, they automatically populate as their own expense lines and do not need to be added as expense lines.

Fill in, review, or update the following fields in the Expense Line section that appears:

Drop files here or select files.


  • This is a required field.

  • Uploaded files should pertain to the expense, such as receipts.

Date: automatically populates to today’s date; use the Calendar to change the date to the expense date if applicable.

Expense Item: use the Prompt to select the Expense Item.

Note: Depending on Expense Item selected, Item Details may appear to complete.

Quantity: enter the Quantity.

Note: Depending on Expense Item Selection, Quantity may appear to complete.

Per Unit Amount: enter the Per Unit Amount.

Note: Depending on Expense Item Selection, Per Unit Amount may appear to complete.

Total Amount: enter the Total Amount.

Memo: enter the Memo.

Use the Prompt to populate only one of the following worktags: USource, Grant, Project, or Gift.

Additional Worktags: automatically populates based on Driver Worktag selection.

Fill in the fields in the Item Details section that appear for you.


  • If this section appears for your selected Expense Item, the fields in this section are required.

  • Item Details populates based on the Expense Item selection. For example, Hotel In State populates State and End Dates to select, whereas Meals (During Travel) In State will populate Attendees and Business Topics.

  • If Item Details requires Departure and Arrival Dates, the Departure Date is when you begin your travel and the Arrival Date is when you return home from travel.



(Optional) Fill in the following fields in the Itemization section:


  • You may need to add multiple Itemizations until the remaining amount to itemize is 0.00.

  • If you do not have a reason to itemize, do not select Add under Itemization.


Select Add.

The Itemization pop up displays.

Note: Fields in the Itemization popup are dependent on the Expense Item selection.

Total Amount: enter the Total Amount.

Memo: enter the Memo.

Use the Prompt to select only one of the following worktags USource, Grant, Project, or Gift.

Additional Worktags: automatically populates based on Driver Worktag selection.

Personal Expense: select the checkbox if applicable.

Receipt Included: select the check box if applicable.

(Optional) Select Add to create another Expense Line and repeat actions in steps 8 and 9 as applicable.

(Optional) Select the Header tab to review and edit the following information:

Select Edit.

Spend Authorization: automatically populates if Expense Report was created from a Spend Authorization; or use the Prompt to select/edit the Spend Authorization.

Note: The Spend Authorization must be approved prior to creating an expense.

Select Save.

Select Submit.


  • After submitting the expense report for worker, it will be reviewed.

  • The employee you created the expense report for will receive a notification stating it was submitted on their behalf and also if the expense report is approved. 

  • If the expense report is denied, the worker and initiator will receive a notification.

  • If a correction was made to the expense report, all applicable parties will receive a notification.




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