Workday-FIN: Create Spend Authorization For Worker


This document explains how Expense Data Entry Specialists can create a spend authorization for a worker.

The recommended browser for accessing Workday is Google Chrome. However, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari may also be used.

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Create Spend Authorization for Worker


  • This task is done on behalf of another worker when that worker is not creating a spend authorization for themselves.

  • This task is similar to the self service task Create Spend Authorization that is covered in the Spend Authorization job aid.

    • Some fields may or may not be auto populated. Any field that automatically populates should be left as is unless a change to the field is required.


Enter Create Spend Authorization for Worker in the Search bar and select the task.

The Create Spend Authorization for Worker page displays.

Fill in the following fields in the Spend Authorization Information section:

For: use the Prompt to select the employee.

Note: For is the Employee Name you are creating the spend authorization for.

Company: automatically populates based on For selection.

Start Date: automatically populates to today’s date; use the Calendar to edit the Start Date.

End Date: automatically populates to today’s date; use the Calendar to edit the End Date.

Note: Although the Start and End Date automatically populates to today’s date, these dates should reflect the date(s) of the business travel expenditures.

Description: enter a Description for the purpose of the spend authorization.

Business Purpose: use the Prompt to select the Business Purpose.

Note: This is a required field.



Fill in the following fields in the Spend Authorization Details section:

Reimbursement Payment Type: automatically populates.

(Optional) Justification: enter a Justification.

Select the Spend Authorization Lines tab and fill in the fields that appear:

Select Add.

Expense Item: use the Prompt to select the Expense Item.

Quantity: enter the Quantity.

Per Unit Amount: enter the Per Unit Amount.

Total Amount: automatically populates based on Quantity and Per Unit Amount.

Budget Date: automatically populates to today’s date. Select the calendar to choose a new date, if applicable.

Memo: enter a Memo.

(Optional) Select the Cash Advance Requested checkbox, if you require cash prior to spending.

Note: Please review your institution’s policy on cash advances.

Use the Prompt to populate only one of the following driver worktags: USource, Grant, Project, or Gift.

Additional Worktags: automatically populates based on driver worktag selection.

Item Details: fill in fields as they appear.


  • Item Details populates based on the Expense Item selection. For example, Hotel In State populates Start and End Dates to select, whereas Meals (During Travel) In State will populate Attendees and Business Topics.

  • If Item Details requires Departure and Arrival Dates, the Departure Date is when you begin your travel, and the Arrival Date is the date of when you return home from travel.


(Optional) To add additional spend authorization lines:

Select Add for additional Spend Authorization Lines.

Repeat substeps in Step 5.

Select the Attachments Tab.

Drop Files or Select Files to upload.

Select Submit.


  • After submitting the spend authorization, it will be reviewed by the appropriate worktag manager.

  • The employee you created the spend authorization for will receive a notification stating it was submitted on their behalf and also if the spend authorization is approved or denied.

  • You will receive an item in My Tasks if it is sent back to be updated.

  • You will receive a notification if it is denied.






Review Budget Check for Spend Authorization


  • The Spend Authorization is subject to budget check after submitting the spend authorization.

  • If the Budget Status of Transaction is Fail, or Warn, or Errored, the budget can be overridden only by the Budget Check Exception Override Approver.

  • The Spend Authorization must be submitted prior to beginning this task.


Navigate to My Tasks.

Select the Check Budget (Financial) for Spend Authorization item in My Tasks.

Review the Budget Check Status and check box for Request Override, if applicable.

Select Submit.





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