Managing student worker accounts in GullNet

Managing student worker accounts in GullNet

This guide covers student worker (swXXXX) accounts, how to request and activate, reset password,  and where to get help.

Initial Request for Setup

Departments who have student workers that wish to grant them access to University resources such as GullNet and departmental network drive access will need to request student worker accounts be created for them. These will have a username based on the department. For example, a student worker account for the IT Help Desk is swhelpdeskXXX, where XXX would be a unique number for each account.

  • To request student worker accounts, the supervisor would send an email to PSSecurity@salisbury.edu. This email should include the number of accounts requested, a description of how they will be used, an indication of any special access the accounts may need, and the responsible party for these accounts (usually the supervisor or manager of those students).
  • Once created, those accounts will be administered by the responsible party indicated in the request.

Assigning and Maintaining Student Worker Accounts

Once the student worker accounts have been created, the manager can assign students to these accounts in GullNet. To access the student worker accounts:

  • Log into GullNet
  • Click the NavBar>Navigator>SU Custom>Security>Use
  • Select Maintain Student Workers
  • On the Search page, click Search to display the student worker accounts you have authority to manage.

Assigning a student to a student worker account

  • Click the student worker account you wish to manage.
  • Uncheck the Password Expired box, if checked.
  • Uncheck the Account Locked Out box, if checked.
  • Enter a valid password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
    • Password must be a minimum of 14 characters, have at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, and at least one number. It conforms to the same password rules as your own SU password.
    • Record the password you entered; you will provide it to your student worker to use when accessing his or her account.
    • In the EmplID box, enter the EmplID/Student ID number of the student assigned to the SW account.
      • Hit Tab after entering the EmplID to display the students name as verification.
      • Click Save.
      • Click Enable to activate the student worker account.

Removing a student from a student worker account

  • Select the student worker account you wish to manage.
  • Click Disable to deactivate the student worker account.
  • Select Save to save changes.

Setting and restricting access times

The Login Hours can be found in the User Maintenance tab, in the User Description section.

  • To set or change the login hours, the supervisor can submit a ticket requesting the hours change to the specified account(s).

Setting the student worker account password

  • Click the student worker account you wish to manage.
  • Click Disable.
  • Delete the values in the Password and Confirm Password boxes.
  • Enter a new password in both boxes.
    • Password must be a minimum of 14 characters, have at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, and at least one number. It conforms to the same password rules as your own SU password.
    • Record the password you entered; you will provide it to your student worker to use when accessing his or her account.
    • Click Save.
    • Click Enable.

Using the Student Worker Account

The student worker account works like any other staff account on campus. A student with a student worker account will be able to use their account and password to log into SU computers, access the network and network drives, access student worker email using Outlook, etc. as any other staff account. Student worker accounts may have login restrictions set by their supervisor, limiting the times they may be able to log in. Most often this is used to limit access to normal operating hours for the department they work for.

Once the student worker account has been created, a student can use the Manage My Password page (http://mypassword.salisbury.edu) to change or reset his or her own password.

End of Contract

At the end of the student worker’s contract, the student worker accounts will automatically be disabled by PSSecurity. This will disable GullNet, email and access to network resources and logins.


Below are common error messages that you may run into when managing student worker accounts.

No Job or Affliation has been assigned to this EMPLID

  • Student’s contract has not been entered in PeopleSoft
  • Student’s pay group is NOT ‘006’ (student pay group) or ‘014’ (swiper student pay group)
  • If the user is a non-contract student (ie: volunteer, grant, etc.), the student info will need to be recorded in GullNet as an Affiliate. Contact PSSecurity@salisbury.edu or 410-548-5388.

No Date of Birth found for this EMPLID

  • Student does not have a date of birth recorded in GullNet. This is requires for password reset options. The student will need to contact the Registrar’s office to have the date of birth changed in GullNet.

NO Social Security Number/NID is found for this EMPLID

  • The student does not have a social security number recorded in GullNet, this is required information to create Email/Network accounts and for password reset on Network/Email access. The student will need to contact the Registrar’s office to have the date of birth changed in GullNet.

Getting Help

Student worker accounts can use the MyPassword website to change the password for the account: the MyPassword site pulls the credentials for password resets from the student’s GullNet account to allow access to change passwords.

For other issues with student worker accounts, the student worker’s supervisor/manager will be the first point of contact. They can solve most issues with student worker account access and activation. Supervisors needing assistance can call the Help Desk at 410-677-5454.

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