SU Imaging System Frequently Asked Questions

Cannot log in to AppXtender Web Access (WebXtender)

Ask the user if they previously had access. If so, ask if they are using their SU Network (Active Directory) Username and Password. If they need access, escalate a support ticket to EIS.  

Other Access Issues

If the user does not have access to Imaging System from off-campus using WebXtender, they may need to be added to the proper AD group.  Escalate a support ticket to EIS for delegated access support.  EIS support staff, use IT ADMIN VM, ensure ADUC is installed (see RSAT/Installation instructions on this page: ) and ensure the user is in the proper AD group under Groups / Delegated / Imaging:

  1. g_Imaging (all on campus access)
  2. g_ImagingExternalWeb (web only access from internal/external)
  3. g_ImagingInternalWeb (web only access from internal)

Cannot PRINT in WebXtender

If the user does not have the option "Open pop-ups in new window" selected in Internet Explorer the print option does not display in a new window. To remedy this:

  1. Tools>>Internet Options>> TABS>>ALWAYS open pop-ups in a new window
  2. SU Imaging System Frequently Asked Questions

Cannot see Annotations

The Show/Hide Annotations have been clicked to hide:


On the tool bar – it's under actions. If the Annotations are set to SHOW – there is a light gray rectangle around the ICON.

Cannot find how to Look-Up a Person.

From the Application List Page:

application list

  1. Expand the Application by clicking on the black triangle next to the application name
  2. Click NEW Query
  3. The User can then enter the Index fields to search for the document – they must click RUN at the bottom of this page

  File Modified

PNG File worddav3543547c43550337ff3f54100d658a66.png imported from a Word document

Aug 09, 2018 by Stephen Ashby

PNG File worddav2599c5b3820876e8b9f570add7c53edb.png imported from a Word document

Aug 09, 2018 by Stephen Ashby

PNG File worddav2254aef6367396d303756f3d1ab706d9.png imported from a Word document

Aug 09, 2018 by Stephen Ashby

PNG File worddav5fa94ba64c74859985e1b1f8cb29fa07.png imported from a Word document

Aug 09, 2018 by Stephen Ashby

Microsoft Word Document AppXtender Challenge LOG.docx

Aug 17, 2018 by Curtis Winger