SU Bookstore Account Information

SU Bookstore Account Information

When ordering books or products online through the SU Bookstore you will need to set up an account.  Please know that this account is not maintained by the SU IT department.  

Please see the below steps to create an account or reset your password.

Go to:  bookstore.salisbury.edu

If you have an existing Account, Click Login or If you don’t have an account, click Register in the top right-hand corner of the home page.

Not sure if you have an account?  Select Forgot Password and enter your SU email address

A link will be sent to that email asking you to change your password.  Once you change your password, it should take you back to the login page.

Don’t have an account, you can create one.  Please be sure to follow the below steps or you will not be able to view rental pricing.

Log in with SU email and new password.

Select Settings

Review your Profile Information.  Make sure you have a phone number and that the primary category is Student.

Review Address Book to ensure that your address information is correct.

Review Schools & ID’s – make sure that is says Salisbury University, Student and your ID number and that it is marked as Primary.

**The IT department cannot assist you with your SU Bookstore account.  Please contact the SU Bookstore at 410-548-2224 or 410-543-6086 for assistance. 

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