Workday - Tips and Tricks

Workday - Tips and Tricks


This document provides employees some tips and tricks for getting the most out of Workday as a new user.

  • The recommended browser for accessing Workday is Google Chrome. However, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari may also be used.

Workday Icons

The table below includes some of the most commonly used icons in the Workday system.


My Tasks

Related Actions


  • Home: Selecting the Maryland Connect logo, located in the top right corner of the Workday menu, returns you to the Workday home page.
  • Apps: When you first log in to Workday, you will notice that the Menu includes links to several pre-loaded apps. To add apps to this list, simply select Add Apps (located at the bottom of the Apps tab), search for the desired app, and select the Add button.
  • Shortcuts: Similar to the Apps tab, the Shortcuts tab provides a means for creating quick-access links to up to 10 specific tasks and/or reports. To create a shortcut, select Add Shortcuts (located at the bottom of the Shortcuts tab), search for the desired task/report, then select the Add button.
  • Favorites: If you have reports and/or tasks that you use frequently, you can also add them to your Favorites, which is accessible via the menu that displays when you select your worker profile icon. To add or remove entries from this list, select Favorites, then choose the Manage Favorites button at the bottom of the page.


  • Searching Based on Partial Terms: Workday can perform searches based on keywords if you do not know the full name of the desired item. In addition, Workday can search based on incomplete words that are at least three letters long. For example, if you are trying to run the Create Expense Report task, you can enter "cre exp rep" and select the task from the Search results menu, without entering the full name in the Search field.

  • Searching with Prefix Words: If you are finding too many results when using the Workday Search feature, you can include prefix words, followed by a colon ( : ), to limit the search to specific categories – thus refining search results. To access a full list of prefix words, enter a question mark ( ? ) in the Search field, then press Enter.


  • New Tabs: If you want to open a record, but do not want to navigate off your current page, right-click on the actionable item (blue font) and choose See in New Tab.
  • Related Actions: The Related Actions menu (three dots icon) appears next to many data fields and provides quick access to additional functions you can perform for that specific entry. For example, if you are reviewing your Expense Reports and decide that it needs to be canceled, you can access the Cancel command via the Related Actions menu – without having to navigate into the report itself.

  • View More Processes: If you are trying to determine the status of an in-progress task, you can find this information by navigating to My Tasks, selecting Archive, then selecting the Process tab. This tab provides a complete record of all completed stages in the process, as well as upcoming steps and the user(s) responsible for completing them.
  • Approve vs. Send Back vs. Deny: When reviewing tasks, make sure that you are selecting the correct action based on the
    • If the request has no errors and is ready to proceed, select Approve.
    • If the request can eventually be approved, but is either incomplete or has errors, select Send Back to return the task to the originator to revise and complete the request.
    • If the request cannot be approved, whether because it is not the correct task for the request type or it is not approvable, select Deny. This cancels the task entirely and requires the requester to restart the request process from the beginning.

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