Workday-HCM: New Position Description Request

Workday-HCM: New Position Description Request


HCM: New Position Description Request



This document explains how employees can request the creation of a new position or to update an exisiting position using the new position description request in Workday.

The recommended browser for accessing Workday is Google Chrome. However, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari may also be used.

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New Position Description Request

  1. Enter Create Request in the Search bar and select the task.

  1. Select Request Type Prompt and choose All to select the Request Type.

  2. Select New Position Description Request.

  1. Select OK.

  2. The New Position Description Request page displays.

  3. Read the instructions before starting the request.

  4. Enter the request description in the Describe the Request text box.

  1. (Optional) Enter any comments into the Comments text box.

  2. (Optional) Attach any supporting documentation by dropping in files or choosing Select files.

  3. Select Submit.


  • Select Save for Later if additional changes will be made prior to selecting submit.

  • After submitting this request, it will route to Human Resources to support the development of the position description prior to launching the relevant Workday transactions.

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