Faculty and Staff GullNet Self Service Information

Your Compensation History, Address(es), Phone Number(s), E-mail Address(es), Emergency Contact and Demographic Information can now be viewed online and in some instances be updated online without completing any paperwork.

Self Service can be accessed by logging into your GullNet account via GullNet. Click on the Log On button on the left-hand side of the page and enter your SU username and password. If you do not know your password you may reset it by following the instructions here.  

You have access to the following pages and information:


If you are not finding the pages listed below it may indicate that you have not completed the required policies.  Please see instructions here for Signing the Acceptable Use and Policy Receipt Acknowledgement in GullNet.

Compensation History

NavBar>Menu>Self Service>Payroll and Compensation>Compensation History

On this page, you can view your compensation history, both in annual salary and biweekly amounts. If your employment began before April 2003, your date of hire is listed with your compensation as of April 2003. This was the implementation date of GullNet and the first salary amount captured in GullNet. Thereafter, each compensation change is listed with the actual effective date.

If you have more than one job at SU (i.e., secondary job is lecturer, overload contract or a contingent short-term contract), you will be able to see your compensation history by job (both active and inactive jobs). If you have a question about the compensation listed for a secondary (contractual) job, please contact the Payroll Office at 410-543-6046; for any other questions, please contact the Human Resources Office at 410-543-6035.

Personal Data Summary

NavBar>Menu>Self Service>Campus Personal Information>Personal Data Summary

On this page, you can view your contact information (i.e., Home Address, Local Address, Home Phone, and Campus E-mail); or you can click on any of the blue links to go to the particular Personal Data page.

The "To Do List" section is currently utilized by Information Technology to remind you to do something (e.g., review/accept security agreement).


NavBar>Menu>Self Service>Campus Personal Information>Addresses

This page displays your Home Address, Local Address (if applicable), Alumni Donor Address (if applicable), and Business Address. You will not be able to make any changes to your address(es). *Warning, if you have a student account, please do not change your home address online via your student account. This will not change your address at the Central Payroll Bureau or at the Employee Benefits Division. To prevent errors in your tax records and ensure uninterrupted continuation of your benefits, all employee address changes must be processed through the Human Resources Office with a signed Address Change form. For both the Central Payroll and Health Benefits Address Change forms, see the HR Address Change form or contact Human Resources at 410-543-6035 for assistance. For changes to your Alumni Donor Address, please contact the Advancement Services Office at 410-677-5036.


NavBar>Menu>Self Service>Campus Personal Information>Names

The Names page displays your Primary, Preferred, Maiden (if applicable) and Alumni Donor (if applicable) names. For any name changes, other than the Alumni Donor Name, employees must go to the Human Resources Office in HH153. For changes to your Alumni Donor Name, please contact the Advancement Services Office at 410-677-5036.

Phone Numbers

NavBar>Menu>Self Service>Campus Personal Information>Phone Numbers

On the Phone Numbers page, you can view, add and in certain instances update your phone numbers. The Business phone number is the number that is maintained by the University and cannot be altered via Self-Service. The Home phone number can be updated but not deleted via Self Service. Additional phone number types can be created, altered, and/or deleted if you wish to include other phone numbers. To add an additional phone number, click the Add a Phone Number button, enter the additional phone number (should include all 10 digits) and click the Save button.

Important: When you add, update or delete existing data, remember to save your changes using the yellow Save button located on each page. Your changes are not stored until the Save button is clicked.

**Changing your phone number in GullNet does not change it for the Emergency Alert System.  Please see Emergency Text Alert System (Rave) for instructions on changing your phone number with the Emergency Alert System.**

E-mail Addresses

NavBar>Menu>Self Service>Campus Personal Information>E-mail Addresses

The E-mail Addresses page contains your GroupWise E-mail address, under the Business E-mail Type, that is maintained by the University for official campus communication to employees. It is designated as the Preferred E-mail address and cannot be altered via Self Service. A Home or "Other" E-mail address may be created or altered if you wish to include other E-mail addresses; however, you will only be able to delete an Other E-mail address. To add an additional E-mail address, click the Add an E-mail Address button, enter the appropriate address and click the Save button.

Note: If you are also a student, your student E-mail address is listed under the Campus E-mail Type. This address is also maintained by the University for the duration of your student GullNet account.

Emergency Contact

NavBar>Menu>Self Service>Campus Personal Information>Emergency Contacts

On the Emergency Contact page you can view all emergency contacts on record. You may update existing contacts or add additional contacts. To add an additional Emergency Contact, click the Add an Emergency Contact button, enter the appropriate information and click the Save button. You may also delete a contact, but you cannot delete a "Primary Contact". You have to add or update another contact to be the "Primary Contact" before you can delete the original "Primary Contact".

Demographic Information

NavBar>Menu>Self Service>Campus Personal Information>Demographic Information

This page displays personal information you submitted on your Employment Data Sheet upon hire or subsequent changes (we do not collect Birth State). If any of the displayed data is missing or requires updating, please contact the Human Resources Office at 410-543-6035.

At any point, when you want to return to the Personal Data Summary page, you may click on the Personal Data Summary link located at the top-right and bottom-left hand-side of each page.

When you have any questions regarding the data displayed or your on-line Self Service access, please don't hesitate to contact Human Resources at 410-543-6035.

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