Faculty Overview of Managing Activities

Faculty Overview of Managing Activities

When you first access Faculty Success(formerly Digital Measures) Activity Insight, spend a few minutes looking through the screens accessible from Manage Activities page. To access a screen, click its name. The resulting summary screen displays records that are stored for that screen. There are various possible actions you can take from the resulting screen, although not all of these actions will always be available: 

  • To add a new record, Select the Add New Item button.
  • To delete a record, Select the appropriate check box, then select the Delete button.
  • To copy a record, select the appropriate check box, and then select the Duplicate button.
  • To view or edit a record, click anywhere in the record row on the summary screen. Remember - some data is, or will be, imported from GullNet. 
  • To save a record, select one of the Save buttons. If you attempt to navigate away from a screen containing unsaved changes, a warning message will display to determine whether you would like to return to the screen and save your modifications before proceeding. 
  • To add an author from Salisbury University, select the +Add button and select or type their name in the box that appears under 2nd Author.
  • To add an author from another institution, select the +Add button and type their name in the box that appears under 2nd Author. Once added, you can promote them to 1st Author by selecting the up arrow next to their name on the right side.

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