Tenure and Promotion Faculty Submission Guide

Tenure and Promotion Faculty Submission Guide

When faculty begin to enter data within Faculty Success for Promotions and Tenure, there are specific steps to follow. You can save your progress on this task and return at any time to complete other requirements. Below is a step-by-step guide to completing this task:  

  • Applicant Contract
    • Upload your contract to this area (please contact HR if you need assistance in locating your contract as an electronic file)
  • Provost's Statement of Eligibility
    • Upload the Provost's statement of eligibility that you received via email
  • Application for Tenure
    • Attach your application for tenure. Attach an introduction and overview with special attention paid to specific qualifications for tenure and promotion based on activities and development within the areas of teaching, professional development, and service.

  • Annual Chair Evaluations
    • Upload individual files to each area provided, starting with the most recent.
    • Annual chair evaluation from four years prior is only required if also applying for promotion.
  • Annual Self-Evaluation
    • Upload individual files to each area provided, starting with the most recent.
    • If you are also applying for promotion, please enter your Annual Self-Evaluation from four years ago as well.
  • Letters of Support for Tenure (new area)
    • Attach up to five letters of recommendation for tenure. If you are applying for tenure and promotion, you may wish to ask your letter writers to address both in a single letter. If the letters address both your candidacy for tenure and promotion, please indicate so in the dropdown box. However, if you wish to enter letters of recommendation for Promotion separately, you may do so in the next section.
  • Letters of Support for Promotion (new area)
    • Only submit if the letters for tenure did not include information on promotion. You may skip this section if you are not applying for promotion.
    • Attach up to five letters of recommendation for Promotion
  • Summary of Evidence of Teaching
    • Enter text summarizing your teaching methodology, innovations, improvements, successes, and failures as well as curricular and program developments. This summary should encompass your body of work since appointment as a tenure-track faculty member. The report should include clear and understandable summaries and analyses of student evaluations for the last four years. (You can copy and paste into the box provided)
    • Upload actual student evaluations, in the students’ own handwriting if available, for the previous teaching semester. (If original student evaluations are not available for open-ended evaluation questions, an explanation should be provided.) A brief description of the evaluation process—when it occurred, under what circumstances, etc.—would also be helpful
  • Summary and Evidence of Professional Development
    • Enter text that summarizes professional development activities. The candidate should focus special attention on the three most significant accomplishments since the applicant’s appointment to a tenure-track position and the ways in which those activities enhance the candidate’s qualifications as a teacher and scholar. This summary should encompass your body of work since appointment as a tenure-track faculty member. (You can copy and paste into the box provided)
  • Summary of Evidence of Service to the University
    • Enter text that summarizes service to the department, school, university, and community, with special attention paid to identifying and explaining the candidate’s three most significant service contributions since his/her appointment to a tenure-track position. This summary should encompass your body of work since appointment as a tenure-track faculty member. (You can copy and paste into the box provided)
  • Addendum Items
    • Narrative 
      • Enter directly in the box any additional information that does not fit into any of the other sections. Please note, addendum items, whether in narrative form directly below or as appended files should be clearly relevant to your performance as a faculty member seeking tenure.
    • Item Files
      • Upload any files that may be pertinent to your tenure decision, but do not fit in the teaching, service or professional development sections above and are not included in the Tenure Report.

    • Discipline-Specific Required Elements
      • This section is provided for department/school specific tenure-track faculty required information or documents. Enter materials below that were not captured in any other submission fields above and are not part of information entered into Manage Activities section. (Examples: A PDF compilation of student artwork or images of professional licences). Be sure to check with your Chair/Director to see if you are required to enter items into this field.
  • Tenure Report
    • You do not need to enter any information directly into this section. The Tenure Report will be automatically populated and attached when you submit your Tenure package for the next step in the process.
    • Remember to click Refresh Report before submitting your Promotion & Tenure form. It will ensure all the information you have included in Faculty Success is added to the report.

If you are not ready to submit, click the Save button above to ensure you preserve your progress. You may come back to your submission page whenever you like. Be sure to refresh your "CV for Tenure/Promotion" report before submitting to ensure it includes the most up-to-date information. Once all required information is entered, you should click the Actions button above and choose Submit to "Department Committee Evaluation"

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