Adding Education to Faculty Success

Adding Education to Faculty Success

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select Activities from the top menu.   
  2. Click on the Education link under the General Information section.
  3. Click the Add New Item button to add Education information.
  4. Enter all applicable fields, and make sure to select Yes if it’s the highest degree you’ve earned.

    *Required field. 
  5. When finished, click the Save button at the top of the page, or click Save + Add Another. Then, click on the back arrow next to Education to return to the General Information section.

To add your education to your Faculty Web Profile:

  1. Select Activities from the top menu. 
  2. Click the Faculty Web Profile option.
  3. Scroll down to Section 2
  4. Next to the Highest Degree Earned drop down menu, make sure that your highest degree is selected form the list.
  5. Under Other Degrees, choose the number of other degrees to show and click Add.
  6. Next to each Education Reference, ensure that each of your degrees (except the highest degree earned) is selected.
  7. Click SAVE at the top left to save all edits.

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